Chapter 5

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It was the evening of the concert and Ahri and Sora were on their way to the concert hall.
Up until a few minutes ago Ahri and Minho had been on a phone call, talking about everything and nothing.

The call went on for almost an hour until Minho's manager scolded him for not preparing enough for the upcoming concert.

When Ahri was about to apologise for taking up his time, Minho reassured her that talking with her made him happy and that he wanted to do it.

Now the two girls were sitting in a cab, being driven to the event. They were really excited and Ahri couldn't stop Sora from doing her hair and makeup in a way Sora considered fashionable enough.

"Minho will go crazy when he sees you like this" Sora teased and nudged Ahri's shoulder playfully.

"What...what do you mean?" Ahri asked while a blush crept up her cheeks. She knew exactly what her friend had meant with that: She and Minho had become noticeably closer since they met and it couldn't exactly be described as being on the path of being just friends.

The two were touchy and flirty and everyone around them noticed. It also wasn't something that went past the two involved, but Ahri clearly said she didn't want anything more than a friendship.

That's why Minho tried not to overstep anything, which he clearly failed at, and Ahri still wasn't sure what she really wanted so she tried not to lead Minho on.

"I think you should give him a chance. That guy looks like a lovesick puppy every time he sees you" Sora said, her voice turning serious, "And I also think you should meet up with Jake. It might help you with giving your trust to someone new."

"I'll think about it, okay? For now I want to enjoy the concert I've been wanted to go to since they debuted."

Sora and Ahri found themselves in a screaming crowd a bit later but who were they trying to lie to- of course the two girls took part in all the screaming and fangirling.

"How realistic do you think it is for Minho to recognize us? Or anyone of them for that matter?" Ahri asked, more like shouted but luckily Sora had understood her.

"Zero procent. But don't get downhearted, we are invited to their backstage area after the concert. There you will see your Minho again."

Before Ahri had time to scold her best friend for teasing her again, the screams got louder because Straykids were about to make their entry.

The concert was a full success although both knew their throats would be hoarse tomorrow from all the singing and screaming. Another fan had actully recognized the two of them form Sora's video with Straykids and asked to take a selfie with them.

For Ahri this whole situation seemed comical but she didn't have much time to think too much about it anyway. Her mind was set on Minho the whole time - his singing, dancing, his visuals and the fact she was going to see him backstage in about half an hour.

She actually found herself getting jealous when she saw Minho interacting - or more like flirting - with STAYs that were standing at the front. Sora saw the way her face scrunched and immediately connected the dots: "You know, just wait a bit longer and you can have him all for yourself again."

"I'm not..I don't.." Ahri stuttered but her friend only laughed at her and patted her shoulder reassuringly.

When Straykids were saying goodbye, Ahri looked around and saw most of the fans in tears, too emotional to do anything else. The sight almost made Ahri cry too but then she remembered she was going to see them in just a few minutes and she had to stop herself from breaking out in a huge grin.

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