Chapter 7

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"I can't believe this is already our last evening together! You guys will go back to Seoul and we still have two more locations on our tour" Hyunjin whined and clung onto Ahri's arm. They had realised earlier that this day that they would have to part ways the next morning and Hyunjin has been clinging onto Ahri ever since.

This was a dilemma for Minho because while he was jealous he propably understood Hyunjin better that everyone else. And everytime Hyunjin would let go of Ahri he would simply take his places - Ahri would laugh at him everytime but he didn't care as long as she still pulled him closer afterwards.

Right now they sat again at their usual place, everyone agreeing that they would miss this rooftop. Minho and Ahri especially because they had shared their first kind-of-kiss here but neither of them would admit that.

"We'll definitely keep in touch! I can't wait to see your siblings again!" Hyunjin exclaimed and shook Ahri's shoulders. Then he leaned over to Sora to embrace her as well, "Of course I will miss you too, my best friend's best friend!"

Minho took the chance of Hyunjin's momentarily distraction to pull Ahri against his chest. Instead of laughing the girl let her head fall back onto his shoulder and took his arms to wrap around herself.

These past few days the two had gotten closer, on a different level than before. And while Minho's filming schedule was tight they had somehow managed to go on a few dates - real ones this time. They hadn't kissed or anything since that day on the rooftop but both were comfortable with their slow pace. While Minho did sometimes whish he could be more couply towards her - like in situations like this were he had the urge to kiss her neck - he didn't want to rush her or make her think he was getting impatient.

"I got us drinks!" Jisung yelled and balanced a tablet from the bar to their table. Everyone reached for their designated glass but neither Minho nor Ahri even considered moving out of their position to do so. That resulted in Chan and Changbin sending Minho wiggling eyebrows but the latter was too happy to care.

"I'm sooo going to miss you!" Jisung whined who already seemed tipsy just by drinking a few sips. "We'll miss you too!" Ahri replied and reached over to squeeze his hand when she noticed Jisung was on the verge of crying. Jisung squeezed her hand back and a bright smile made it's way on his face.

"I'll miss you too" Minho whispered into Ahri's ear, already feeling left out by the lack of attention he received from the girl. Which was ridiculous, seeing that said girl was literally wrapped up in his arms.

"Oh you will?" Ahri teased, sensing the jealousy rolling of from the man behing her. "Stop iiit!" Minho whined but in contrary to his words only pulled her closer - which wasn't really possible but let him do what he wants.

They spent the rest of the evening drinking and dwelling on memories as if they were a bunch of 60-year-olds who had known each other all their lifes. Everyone boohed when Sora left their table to join a guy sitting at the bar. Ahri then already knew she would have the bed to herself tonight.

"Your nose is so pretty!" She whispered and traced the outlines of Minho's face with her finger The latter was blushing but couldn't decide wether it was because of the alcohol in his system, the compliment or simply the fact that Ahri was literally pressed against his body. All options seemed to be good enough reasons for him.

"You need to leave early for your flight tomorrow, we should all head to bed" Minho suggested and was surprised when Ahri didn't oppose.

"I should probably bring you too your room, you're tipsy. Goodnight guys!" Minho said and left together with Ahri.

"Actually I'm not tipsy, at least not anymore" Ahri corrected while the two headed towards the elevator.

"How? What about all the drinks?" Minho asked seriously surprised because she had been acting tipsy as well.

"They've all been nonalcoholic except for like the first. I just took it as an excuse to be clingy to you" Ahri grinned brightly and intertwined their fingers.

Minho was too shocked to say anything but the fact that Ahri searched for any excuse to be close to him made his heart swell.

They reached Ahri and Sora's room in no time, although Sora had notified them earlier she would stay with Ben- the guy she met earlier at the bar.

"Do you like wanna come in for a bit?" Ahri asked and scratched her neck shyly.

"Sure" Minho stuttered and followed the girl into the dimly lit room. Something about this felt so intimate that he had to keep his heart from bursting.

"I'm almost finished packing" Ahri pointed at the opened suitcase on one side of the bed while it was clear that Sora's clothes where still scattered around the room.

Ahri didn't know what to say anymore so she turned to look at Minho only to find out he was already staring at her. And it wasn't just any look, it made Ahri's heart race and gave her the urge to pull him closer.

The fact that they were standing chest to chest didn't help at that.

"Well, do you like-? We could-? Umm-" Before Ahri could continue with her stumbling, Minho had placed his hands around her waist and pulled her closer so now their noses where touching.

"Can I kiss you?"

If Ahri wouldn't have been red already she would definitely be a tomato right now. The first kiss they had wasn't really a kiss so now Ahri wondered if Minho would even like kissing her.

The lack of response made Minho lose his confidence, "We don't have to of course. We could just-"

This time Minho was silenced - by Ahri's lips pressing against his. But this time he didn't let her pull away right after. One hand stayed at her waist while the other gently cupped her face, deepening the kiss.

Ahri was the first to pull away and Minho had to use every ounce of self control to not chase her lips.

"Was it okay?" Ahri asked and looked up at him with hopeful eyes.

Minho was baffled for a moment before he understood what the girl meant.

"It was perfect. I know we decided to take things slow but ... I just really want to kiss you again."

Ahri giggled slightly but allowed Minho to pull her back in, this time already starting at a more passionate pace.

Neither of them noticed that they where walking towards the bed and Ahri only gasped when her knees hit the edge.

This caused Minho to deepen the kiss even more and with his one hand on her back he lowered her onto the bed.

Ahri felt like she could die at that moment because of the fact that Minho had so smoothly laid her down with just one hand.

Only seconds later both of them were shirtless and Minho pulled away for the first time to look at the girl underneath him.

She was so breathtakingly beautiful it almost felt like a crime to him. Minho noticed how she tried to cover a part of her stomach. Slowly, he took her hands away and kissed the scar that spread over her upper abdomen. "You're beautiful. This just shows how strong you were in the past." He peppered slight kisses along the scar, making Ahri slowly relax again in his hold.

Then he hovered back over her and kissed her gently, a total contrast to how they were kissing just seconds before. Then he kissed from her lips to her neck and down to her collarbone but refrained from making a bruise because he remembered how Ahri had told him she wasn't too fond of hickeys.

When Ahri let out a louder gasp he pulled away and looked at her in slight shock.
"Sorry, you wanted us to take things slow. I'm not pressuring you into anything. We can stop right now and get back to going slow."

Ahri lifted herself up and kissed Minho's lips and then both cheeks.

"I really want this as long as you're also comfortable.
And besides, you can still go slow right?"

~that went further than I planned but oh well
~if you would like any other ships in the story, let me know and I can include them

~until next chapter

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