Chapter 27

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A yell was heard through the doorm and seconds later Minho's bedroom door burst open and a girl went chrashing against his chest. Not even having processed the situation, Minho wrapped his arm around the smaller body and waited for Ahri to explain this.

"I got in! They actually accepted me!" Ahri smiled after pulling away. Minho slowly started to understand what was happening. His eyes widened and he spun Ahri around before pulling her into another tight hug.

"I am so proud of you! I knew they would accept you! They would be fools not to!" He put his finger under Ahri's chin and tilted her face up, "I love you so much." He whispered before closing the gap with a gentle kiss.

He knew how on edge Ahri had been with finals this year and he was just glad to see her smiling this brightly again.

"I love you too. And I decided to take you out on a coffee date today as celebration!" Ahri grinned cheekily and grabbed Minho's hand to pull him along, luckily the latter was already dressed and only quickly had to grab his jacket.

At the door there still stood Hyunjin, staring into the empty hallway. "You good?" Minho laughed as they passed him.

"I'm still processing the something that just ran past me" Hyunjin murmured and glanced at Ahri suspiciously.

"You will manage!" She reassured and pressed a friendly kiss on his cheek, "Oh, and I should tell you from Sora that she is free this evening and you should come over and stay the night at hers. Bye!"

Hyunjin's frownd slowly turned into a smile but he blushed deeply after he saw Minho's warning glare. He quickly scurried away to call Sora in private and tell her about his near airfryer experience.

"Come on, come on! I'm craving coffee!" Ahri jumped down the stair and Minho only followed her, laughing fondly. Ever since they became public Ahri's mood would be defined from the kind of comments she read that day. But a few weeks ago she stopped doing that altogether and just appreciated that now she could go on dates with her boyfriend way more freely. Oh and finals finished two weeks ago so maybe that also lifted her mood.

When Ahri arrived at home after they officially made their relationship public, she got a letter which was a personal offer to apply for Yonsei College, just like Sooyeon predicted. Turns out, Sooyeon was actually the principals daughter and pulled a few strings but she reassured Ahri several times that she was accapted for her grades and not because she was Sooyeon's friend.

The two were now walking to the nearest coffee shop, hand in hand.
"Choose what you want, it's on me!" Ahri said after the took a seat in the corner of the cafe.

Minho raised his eyebrows in question, knowing that he was always the one to pay on their dates.

"No really, it's fine. I got a full ride scholarship so now I don't have the monthly college fees to pay. And it's like a tiny act of thank you for being by my side this whole time" Ahri reached across the table to take Minho's hand.

"I will always be by your side" Minho reassured and lifted their hands to kiss Ahri's.

"So how are you planning to get to college every day? It's further than the other one"

"I already figured that out: Sora's aunt, the one who lives in Sydney right now, still has an apartment which is coincidentally close to both the college and the kid's school. She lets us live their and we will share the rent. So it's a win win!"

Ahri smiled brightly at Minho and leaned across the table to kiss his lips shortly.

"Everything is good now! You don't know how happy I am right now!"

~this is just a really short filler chapter that still needed to be written before the time jump

~until next chapter

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