Chapter 23

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"I feel like I am about to die."

"You are exaggerating! It's just a dinner with my parents" Minho reassured her and laced their fingers together in Ahri's lap. They were currently driving to Minho's parents's house and Ahri was a whole nervous wreck.

"But what if they don't like me? Or think I'm not good enough for you? They won't give me approval to date you, I'm literally a nobody." Minho could tell that Ahri was panicking which was a skill of hers.

"I am old enough to date whoever I want, I don't need my parents approval. But either way, I'm sure they'll love you. You are awesome Ahri, please don't think so lowly of yourself." Minho's hand moved to trace comforting patterns into Ahri's thigh while his eyes stayed focused on the road.

They drove in comfortable silence for the rest of the way but before Ahri knew it, Minho had parked her car in front of their house.

"You ready?" He asked and after Ahri didn't really give him an answer, he pulled her over to kiss her. Ahri sighed against his lips and she felt the tension leaving her body. When they pulled away, Minho offered her a reassuring smile and the two got out of the car.

Minho wanted to hold her hand to reassure both of them but Ahri's hands were occupied by the gifts she insisted on buying. He rung the doorbell and noticed that he himself was also nervous but he couldn't let Ahri notice that or the girl would be sent back into her panicked state.

A second later the door opened and a middle-aged women smiled at them. "My Minho baby! It's been so long since you last visited!" It wasn't true but Minho still let his mother pull him into a tight hug. His dad appeared behind them and patted Minho's shoulder in a father-like manner.

"Mum, Dad this is Ahri" He introduced and pulled Ahri closer by her waist, noticing the short flash of panic on the girl's face.

"It's nice to mee you, Mr. and Mrs. Lee." She bowed slightly and thanked Minho in her mind for keeping his hold on her waist, "This is for you."

She gave Mrs. Lee the flowers and Mr. Lee a box of chocolates, her father used to eat all the time.

"Oh you didn't have to get us anything, sweetheart. And please just call me Danbi. It's so nice to finally meet you" To Ahri's surprise Danbi pulled her into a hug and Ahri stumbled a bit forward.

Minho's dad was a bit less enthusiastic and just shook Ahri's hand after thanking her for the gift.

"Dinner is almost ready, kids. Why don't you show Ahri your room or introduce her to the cats?" Danbi clapped her hand and ushered her husband back into the kitchen, sending Minho a knowing grin.

"Come on sweetheart" Minho took Ahri's hand in his and lead her to the living room where three cats where proudly perched on the couch.

"That's Soonie, Doongie and Dori. My babies, this is Ahri"

The girl crouched down in front of the couch and stretched out her hand, slowly approaching Soonie. The cat watched her hand sceptically but then bumped her hand into Ahri's palm.

The girl laughed quietly and began to stroke Soonie's fur while the other two cats approached them as well.

She sat down on the couch and Soonie took it upon himself to occupy her lap. Minho looked at the scene in front of him and his heart swelled - his two favourites were getting along.

"Oh Minho, I love them. I am going to kidnap Soonie" The mentioned cat positioned her front paws on Ahri's chest and butted her face into her neck. "I think Soonie wants be to take him home with me. Don't you want that, my precious boy?"

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