Chapter 9

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"I can't believe it's already been two weeks since I came back to Seoul!" Ahri exclaimed while she was laying down on her bed, phone in hand and on a video call with Minho.

"We still have three more weeks to go before we come back home" Minho answered. He was finished with his schedule for the day and decided to call Ahri since he missed the girl more than he would admit.

"How is everyone?" Ahri asked. Although the group chat has been very active, the topics talked about weren't about anyones schedule.

"We're fine. Since you guys left, the trip has become more business than fun but of course we still love what we do. How's it going with learning for your exam?"

Ahri had an upcoming exam at university in a few weeks and therefore has been struggling with managing her siblings, her work and her education.

"I mean I'm a bit behind but a colleague of mine took over my shift this Friday so I'll be able to make up for lost time then" That wasn't really true because Miga had a doctors appointment that day and Ahri would have to go to the evening class because she would miss the morning one.

But she didn't want to worry Minho even more so she left out this little detail.

"I miss you" She said which was true but she partly only wanted to change the subject.

"First thing I'll do when I come back is visit you. We just have to wait a bit longer. I miss you too and I can't wait to meet your siblings" Minho smiled but he saw Ahri's exhausted expression even though she definitely tried to hide it.

"What time is it over there?" He asked worriedly.

"Almost midnight" Ahri responded and as if on cue she had to yawn.

"Please go to bed! I see how tired you are. I don't want you overworking yourself."

"Well, it's not that easy to manage life as a student with three kids running around!" Ahri lashed out and their conversation turned quiet after that.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have lashed out on you. You're right, I'm extremely tired."

"It's okay. I know how hard it is but you can't look after your siblings if you neglect your own health. I'm here for you if you ever need a shoulder to lean on. Please don't worry about asking for help whenever you need it."

"Thank you. For everything really" Ahri sighed and wrapped the blanket around herself before shutting out the light. The only thing Minho was able to see now were the faint outlines of her face that were illuminated by the phone's screen.

"Goodnight Ahri" He whispered but only got regular breaths as an answer, "Dream of me."

Ahri had just dropped off her siblings to school and kindergarden when her phone started ringing.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"I'm Doctor Kim. Am I talking to Ahri Yon?" A man on the other side of the line answered. The name rung a bell inside Ahri's memory but she couldn't quite figure out when she had talked to the man before.

"Yes, that's me. How can I help you?"

"I'm the doctor that was responsible for your parent's autopsy. I remember back then you didn't want to know any information but I just stumbled over their records because I'm about to bring them to the archive. I just thought to give you a call in case you changed your mind. Oh, and we also have the personal belongings your parents were wearing. No one ever came to pick them up."

Ahri didn't know what to say. She had completely forgotten about the autopsy she never wanted to hear and the stuff she didn't feel ready to pick up. She was honestly surprised they still had everything and notified her after four years. Now she didn't know if she could pretend the autopsy didn't exist but she also wasn't sure if she was ready to unpack the accident again.

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