Chapter 33

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"Venice is awesome! And I didn't know Hyunjin had that kind of romantic side to him" Sora gushed and linked her arm with Ahri's while the two were walking to the bar Ahri used to work at. Sora wanted to have her own little graduation celebration for her best friend and decided that the bar would also be a great oportunity for Ahri to catch up with her old collegues.

"I didn't know Hyunjin had any other side except for his dramatic one" Ahri replied and both women could imagine said boy's reaction to that.

"Enough about Hyunjin"Sora interrupted when they were just about to enter the bar, "This is your celebration, so go in there and order whatever you like! It's on me!"

After the two took a seat at the bar, Ahri was immediately greeted wholeheartedly by the members of the crew that still knew her and introduced to the rest. Meanwhile Sora had already ordered them their favourite drinks which just arrived when Ahri finished her conversation, turning back to Sora.

She made grabby hands with her left hand, asking Sora to hand her the drink. "The drink is literally in your reach" Sora lifted her eyebrows and took a sip out of her own drink but immediately regretted that because she had to cough violently.

"Oh my god!" She hissed once she calmed down and pulled Ahri's hand towards herself aggressively, "Why didn't you tell me you are engaged?"

Ahri just giggled shyly, her attempt in making Sora notice the ring being succesfull. "Well you just came back from Italy and I wanted to tell you in person." She then noticed her friend's teary eyes before she was pulled into a tight hug. "God, you don't know how happy I am for you. You're all grown up now, getting married to the love of your life."

Sora pulled away to wipe the tears from her eyes but she still kept a hand on Ahri's shoulder. "You deserve to be happy, babe."

It came out more as a whisper and Ahri had trouble understanding it due to the loud music in the bar but now she was sitting in front of her best friend with the same teary eyes.

"Actually, Sora, I wanted to ask you if you would like to be my maid of honor?"

Needless to say another tight hug and a few more tears followed from both sides before the two best friends went back to celebrating - not only Ahri's graduation anymore but also her engagement.


"I always thought that only Chan is old but to think you are the first to get married" Seungmin teased after Minho told the whole group that Ahri said yes to his proposal. Minho playfully shoved Seungmin away but accepted the following group hug.

"I'm so proud of you man! My first stray kid to officially not be astray anymore" Chan patted his back and Minho tried to keep a cold facade but the tears were threatening to spill from all the emotions he was feeling lately.

"I am on my way to plan the best bachelor party you have ever seen!" Changbin announced and took out his phone with an excited smile. "Everything but please no strippers" Minho pleaded and Chan assured him that he wouldn't let Changbin do anything too out of the box.

"I wanna be a flower boy" Felix suddenly said, "I could join Jonghun, Soori and Miga."
"Well I would have to ask Ahri of course since we actually didn't talk about any wedding plans at all yet. I only know that she wants a summer beach wedding and I want to give her the perfect wedding she deserves."

The members looked at their second eldest and smiled seeing him so in love even after several years of being with Ahri. "Whatever you two choose, we will be happy to help or organize in any way we can" Jeongin reassured and was surprised when he got pulled into a hug by Minho. All the members had noticed that he had become more open to skinship ever since he started dating Ahri but ever since the two were engaged he's been over the moon.

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