Chapter 18

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"I threw out the others so we have the flat to ourselves!" Minho greeted the small family enthusiastically as they entered.

"That's not nice, Mr. Minho. If they live here they should be allowed to be here" Jonghun scolded the older whose face contorted into a panicked expression.

"No no, that's not what I meant. They just had other plans for today" Minho tried to save himself from Jonghun's judging look but the kids still looked at him as if he was suspicious.

"That's no way to greet someone who kindly invited us for dinner" Ahri put her hand on Jonghun's shoulder and the child looked up with innocent and only slightly apologetic eyes.

"Which room is yours?" Soori asked while he struggled to get out of his jacket.

"I'll show you", Minho helped Soori with his jacket and then pointed at one of the doors,"That one is mine. You can go in if you want to."

As if it was the most exciting thing ever offered to the three, they ran towards the room and disappeared in it.

"Hi" Ahri chuckled after Minho pulled her close by her waist.

"Hi" Minho replied and didn't waste another second to connect their lips, "How will your siblings react to this?" He asked, gesturing to their close proximity.

"I think they will react just fine" Ahri smiled and pulled Minho into another kiss. Sadly they were interrupted by a yell and then a crash coming from Minho's room.

"I think we should check on them before they take my whole room apart."

"Will there be dessert?" Soori asked, stuffing his mouth full with the food of the main course.

"Finish eating this first and be thankful to Minho that he invited and cooked for us" Ahri reminded her brother who just cheekily grinned and took another bite.

"It's very delicious. Thank you for cooking, Mr. Minho" Jonghun said and bowed his head slightly. Ahri smiled brightly at her brother for being so polite and she knew that he would loosen up towards Minho over time while still staying polite.

"It's not a problem, I'm glad to enjoy it" Minho replied and shot Ahri a look, asking her when to tell them.

"I'm glad you all enjoy Minho's cooking because I hope we will be able to taste more of it in the future?" She glanzed at Minho, who subtly nodded and smiled, before looking back at her siblings, who stopped eating midway and looked at her with their heads tilted.

Ahri giggled at the sight of her loved ones all looking at her with expectant smiles. "What do you mean?" Soori asked and immediately pressed his hand on his mouth, having forgotten that he was still chewing food, "Sorry."

"Well, Minho will be around more cause..cause he is my boyfriend now."

Jonghun smiled knowingly, Soori getting the main message behind it but Miga still looked kind of clueless. Jonghun noticed his younger sister's confusion and went to explain it to her, "Ahri means that she and Minho are in love, like Mr. and Mrs. Choi." Originally Jonghun wanted to explain it using the example of their parents but then he realised that Miga had no memory at all of their parents. But that realisation couldn't darken his happy mood from finding out that his wish was fulfilled.

"So are you like our dad now? I mean because Ahri is like our mum" Soori stumbled over his words, not wanting to upset Ahri because he called her their mum.

"I don't know, I mean.."

"Please!" Minho was interrupted by the three of them who all spoke at the same time, batting their eyelashed at him.

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