Chapter 19

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"Thank you so much for taking the kids today but you really didn't have to" Ahri said, taking Sora's hands in her who just winked at her.

"Don't worry, for the last weeks you and Minho didn't have any alone time. You deserve this.And by the way, Hyunjin agreed to join us. So that's already a promise for the evening to turn out to be fun."

"You and Hyunjin huh?" Now Ahri was the one smirkingand wiggling her eyebrows, "I still remember high shool times when you kinda had a crush on him but also kinda hated him for that."

Sora shoved her friend away playfully but the blush on her cheeks told a whole different story.

"Whatever, just shut up!"

Sora was saved from further embarassment by Soori who came out of their room while a huge backpack, "I packed everything! Look at how strong I am!" The other two kids followed him both not carrying anything as everything they needed for one sleepover fit in Soori's bag.

"Well then, everyone ready to go?" Sora asked, taking the bag because even if he would never admit it, Soori was struggling to even lift it up. With the other hand she took Miga's hands and then the four of them said their goodbyes and left the small flat.

Right after they left, Ahri sat down on their couch and grabbed her notes from university. Minho was only supposed to come in about half an hour, she could get some studying done before then.

Just after she went through the first page, the doorbell rang and Ahri groaned in frustration. Her exam was in just two weeks and it felt like she didn't get anything done yet.

Another knock on the door indicated that whoever stood out there was already in front of her door, waiting to be let in.

Ahri stormed over to the door and swung it open only to be met with Minho - looking as good as ever - standing there with flowers in his hand.

"What got you so worked up?" He asked immediately after noticing Ahri's glum expression.

"Sorry, I'm happy you're here. I missed you" She pulled him in for a short kissbefore moving aside so Minho could enter. He took of his jacket and shoes before going over to Ahri who stood at the table and wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"Talk to me, love. What's going on in your pretty head?" While waiting for an answer, Minho pressed kisses along Ahri's head, neck and shoulder.

"I guess I'm just stressed" Ahri admitted, leaning back into Minho's hold, "my exams are starting in two weeks but I didn't have time for studying yet. I'm so busy with managing everything for the kids and then there is work. I have three jobs now because firstly, of course no good-paying job hires an uneducated college student and second, the landlord raised the rent so the only way for me to be able to pay all the bills, including sending the kids to kindergarden or school, I have to keep all three jobs."

Minho noticed that she was crying by how her body shook in his arms. He gently turned her around and let her press her face against his chest. He didn't mind that his shirt would get wet, he just somehow wanted to comfort her to his best ability.

"It will be alright, everying is going to be okay." He whispered sweet nothings into her ear, feeling her slowly calming down again. Then Minho took Ahri's head so that she was looking at him and gently wiped the remaining tears from her cheeks.

"I had planned to take you out for dinner tonight but I think ordering works just as fine hm?" Ahri only hummed in agreement and pressed a kiss against Minho's lips who didn't let her pull away again but instead deepened the kiss.

"You know I could support you?" Minho asked, already bracing himself for her reaction. "You know I could never let you do that. You are already doing so much and even if it's just picking the kids up from school. I can't nor want to ask for anything else. You being right here, just holding me is enough."

Minho knew that argueing with her, that it would really not be a bother, would be of no use, so instead he just pulled hercloser again. While Ahri just melted into his chest, Minho took out his phone with his free hand and ordered their food. His mind was still set on convincing Ahri to let him help out financially.

He knew that accepting financial help was not easy for anyone, especially not Ahri, but he saw the girl fall apart more day by day because of the weight of resposibility on her shoulders. What he didn't know yet, was how he was going to propose that idea again without upsetting her too much.

Maybe he should wait some more time so he wouldn't overwhelm her. In the meantime he would have to come up with ideas to help her in the least obvious ways possible. But for now he would have a relaxed evening with Ahri to help her forget all the stress for some time.

They didn't realise how long they had been standing in each other's embrace until the door bell rung.

"I'll get it, you can sit down already" He pressed a last kiss to her lips and went to pay the delivery man waiting outside.

They decided to put on some show they started watching a few weeks ago while they ate in silence. It was relaxing and comfortable and Ahri was grateful for Minho for not bringing up her break down earlier.

When they finished eating, Ahri snuggled back into Minho's chest and started playing with their interwined hands.

Just when both of them had slipped into a sleepy daze, Ahri's phone rung, startling the two.

"hello?" Ahri answered, rubbing her tired eyes - which was very cute if you'd ask Minho.

"Hi, it's Jungwon. Am I bothering you right now?" The male on the other side spoke up.

"No, you're okay. What's up?" She straightened her back and reached for her glass of water to get rid of the sleepiness.

"Okay, so I told you about me applying to several universities recently right?", Jungwon started but didn't let Ahri speak before continueing, "So next week I have an interview at Yonsei university which is like a top tier university in korea. I was wondering if you wanted to come along, I remember you always said that it was your dream university. I could introduce you to some people and we'll see what happens."

Jungwon sounded so excited it reminded Ahri of their high school time. "What am I supposed to do there either way? Even if I somehow got a spot offered - which is highly unlikely; I mean this is Yonsei university we're speaking about - I won't be able to afford it anyway." Ahri was kind of sad for dimissing the idea of taking a look around her childhood-dream university.

Her mom and she had always talked about it and imagined what it would be like to study there. After her parent's death not only did she not have the financial means to go there but without her mum by her side it felt useless to even apply.

"Oh come onnnn!" Jungwon whined through the phone and Ahri could imagine his child-like pout.

"You should go" Minho whispered in her ear as he had heard most of the conversation, "You never know what might happen and every uni should be fucking grateful for having you as their student."

Ahri giggled slightly at that before bringing her attention back to her phone, where Jungwon's voice was listing all kind of arguments for her to go.

"Fine, I'll go with you. You are right, we never know what will happen."


~for those of you who forgot Jungwon, he was Ahri's first boyfriend (the one who picked her up after she had that little breakdown) -> I forgot about him so I forgot to write the scenes I had planned for him; gotta add him back now

~until next chapter

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