Brotherly love

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Donatello hadn't always been so fearful. . . He had always been a reserved turtle who stayed monotone yet showed his emotions in his own way. Although. . After the kraang invasion, he hasn't been the same.

Six months after the kraang invasion ended


Leo had woken up to some faint crying, he couldn't tell where he was hearing it from, though. So he decided to investigate, as one commonly does when they are curious. He sat up from the comfort of his warm, cozy mattress. Then yanked the covers off and swung his legs to the edge of the bed. He hopped down and stretched, walking out while taking care of an itch on the back of his neck.

He first checked Raph's room, since the large snapper was usually the one to cry when everyone was sleeping so he didn't "bother them" after the incident. Raph was sound asleep, hugging three stuffed turtles of different sizes as he snored away. His comfort stuffy's, must be having another rough night. Though it isn't him—

Leo continued on to Mikey's room. The small box turtle would sometimes stay up late trying to relearn how to use his hands correctly after the incident. His hand veins glowed brightly sometimes, mostly when he was stressed or anxious. They were glowing softer tonight, but the blue masked turtle knew it wasn't Mikey crying. Since he saw the tiny box turtle was asleep as well, hanging halfway off the bed like he was about to fall off. He walked out after lifting Mikey's other half onto the bed and under the covers. Not Mikey. . . Maybe dad?

Leo walked into Splinter's room, it was empty. He knew Splinter must be asleep on the recliner again. He sighed and walked out. The last room he went to was Dee's, which he knew the crying was him because the cries became louder and clearer as he approached. He knocked on the door, and heard some shuffling. Though no answer. "Dee?" He said in a whisper-yell. "Don it's me, Leo" He heard some more shuffling from inside, then a small mumble.

"I'm coming in 'Tello, don't worry I don't have a beach ball." He chuckled softly at his own assurance, amused he even has to point that out before entering any place with his twin. He then pushed the door open and peeked in. The violet-neon purple LEDs illuminated the room, yet we're at their lowest setting of brightness. That was strange, Dee never had them that low. He walked in and looked around, then saw Donnie sitting in a corner with his knees to his chest, hugging himself and rocking back and forth with small choked sobs. Leo walked over, sitting beside him and putting a hand on his back.

"Dontron, what's wrong?" He asked, seeing the purple masked turtle look away. "Is it another one of those days?" He knew about Dee's hallucinations. And his a-little-too-realistic dreams. He had them often, though they weren't usually so bad. They had only gotten pretty bad about two other times, one being a kraang hallucination, and one being a Shredder one. Leo sighed, patting his twins back. "It's okay bud, I'm real, you're real. You are just in your room, it's okay." He said softly, looking down at his brother. He felt the latter hug his arm and smiled a bit, it was a way for Donnie to know for sure that someone was real. (He says that sometimes the hallucinations of people would say they are real, but they aren't.)

Leo let his twin hug his arm tight. Though since he was physically the weakest of the brothers (he had always been), it didn't feel that tight. He couldn't help but smile as his brother slowly nodded at what Leo said. "Y'know, you could always just try talking to me through the communicator cuff whenever this happens Hermano. I'll try my best to be here as quickly as possible. Is it phantom pains again? Or maybe the purple dragons thing? They seem to be a main issue for you."

"No. . ." Donnie was able to say. He shook his head. "No, no it isn't—"
"Oh, well what is it? Oh no, are you having the Shredder hallucinations again—?" His eyes widened, blinking at his brother in worry.
"No— no. . It- it's the Kraang ones. . . I- I thought we were back in the ship— I thought—"
"It's alright buddy, we're not back in the ship. We're back home, where we're supposed to be." Leo reassured his twin, who hadn't stopped hugging his arm.

Donnie nodded, slowly seeming to relax.
"Could you tell me what all happened this time?" Leo asked. "Was I still being an epic hero?" He tried joking to lighten up the mood.
"They killed them. . ." Donnie was able to get out, before choking up yet again. "They— they all died— all of them. . . And you— You were dying too. I saw it. ."
Leo froze, not expecting what he had just been told. "Oh— Well, they are all alive and well. And so am I. In fact, I feel fine enough to go punch that stupid Kraang right in the face!" He smiled, raising a fist up into the air pridefully.

Donnie smiled a bit too, and didn't even bother hiding it this time. "Good. . . But please refrain— I don't want you to pick a fight you cannot win again."

"Fine. I'll find another way then. Maybe I'll go visit his sister and rub it in her face that we're alive." He smirked.
"Isn't she in a top-secret government facility to be studied and researched upon?" Donnie countered. He didn't get that it was mostly meant to be a joke.
"I'll portal my way there." Leo replied.

"Alright. I must go with you though, I do not trust her. . ." Donnie said.
"Sure bro, and maybe you can find some cool stuff about the kraang or some other cool aliens while we're there too. Who knows, maybe you can find the cure to my irresistible charm." Leo said.
"You mean your fruitiness?" Donnie cocked an eyebrow.
"I—" He was flabbergasted, absolutely at a loss for words at the statement.

Donnie simply smirked and let go of Leos arm.
"Take that back." Leo frowned.
"Why should I? I'm correct." Donnie countered.
"Because if you don't. . ." Leo suddenly leaped at his twin, wrapping his arm around donnie's chest and under his arms so he didn't escape. He aggressively rubbed Dee's head with his fist.

Donnie attempted to wriggle free but failed. He resorted to flailing around. "Let me go 'Nardo! I'll call Raph!" He flailed around like a small kid.
"Oh noo, don't call Raph!" He said in a faux worried tone. "If you want me to stop, take it back."
"Never." Donnie crossed his arms and looked away.
"Then I'm not gonna stop." Leo continued.
"Alright, alright! I take it back! I yield!" Donnie finally whisper-yelled.
"Good." Leo let go. "Alright, we need to get to bed before we're up too late. I'm sure you're tired anyway, huh?"

"Yeah, surprisingly." Donnie replied, yawning.
"Alright, goodnight bro. And let me know if you start having those hallucinations or dreams again and I'll be here as quickly as possible." Leo stood, stretched, and walked out with a thumbs up.
"Alright." Donnie stood, walked to his bed, slid under the covers, and fell asleep.

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