Actions Hurt (Words Hurt Worse)

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Leo awoke with a drowsy groan. His eyes felt drier than the Sahara desert and his face felt gross from all the crying. He realizes quickly that he is being cradled by someone. At first he assumed Raph, but then decided against it once he saw that the culprit's chest was blue.

Wait. . .

His eyes widened, immediately shooting up and nearly headbutting the Baron in the process. He rubbed his eyes with his fists, hoping that maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him. (It wasn't.) He scrambled up, nearly tripping over Mikey's extended foot.
"Leonardo, is something the matter?" The sheep man questioned.
He decided to just pretend whatever happened didn't happen, and ignored the question as well. "Where is 'Tello? Are they done?"
"We have not yet gotten the confirmation by them about the surgery."
"Damnit. . How long has it been?"
"It has been around four and a half hours. Your brothers have since fallen asleep while waiting and no one has come out since you have fallen asleep."
He nodded, looking away and frowning.
"It seems something is on your mind. Though I think I know what it is, would you. . Like to converse on the matter?"

The slider glanced at him, then away, sighing. "Yeah, I guess since we got nothing else to do. ."
"Come, sit." He pulled the chair beside him closer and gestured to it.
He nodded, walking over and sitting down. He hunched, arms resting on his knees and hands clasped together as he stared at the ground.
"Take your time child, there is no rush."
"Yeah- alright. . Uh- well—" He thought for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. "What- what's gonna happen when all of this is fixed?"
"Unsure, we will just have to leave it to when that time comes."
"Right— Well- I guess I don't got many things I know how to explain or whatever so yeah. . ."
"Understandable, emotions can be. . Confusing, at times. Words describing said emotions more so."
He nodded, sighing and dragging his hand down his face as he looked at the far wall. "What do you think is gonna happen to him-?"
"Hmmm. . Well I would assume he will likely not be very conscious for awhile due to the anesthesia and other medication. He will also likely have to be on a breathing machine for quite some time until he can gain the strength he needs to breath on his own. He will most definitely not be moving for quite some time as well."

"Yeah, figured that would be the case. . We're not gonna hear the end of it are we?"
"The end of what?"
"His whining for his tech and stuff." He said, a small grin pulling at the corner of his mouth.
"Most likely not, no. Although depending on how long that medication lasts, when he wakes up he will likely be very 'out of it'."
He nodded.

Both sighed, sitting in comfortable silence for awhile.

"Hey, can we just pretend that whole— thing- didn't happen? That was kinda. . Embarrassing—"
"What thing? Oh, that."
"Well, I suppose so, yes."
"Good, thanks. I don't want 'Tello findin' out. He won't let me live it down."
He chuckled and nodded. "Good to know."
"Thanks though I guess— That surprisingly helped—"
"Glad it did. I was unsure of how to approach the situation so I chose the best way I could find."
"Heh— usin' the 'baby method' was the best way?"
"It worked, didn't it, Leonardo?" He side-eyed him, grinning.
"I- Yeah—"

It went silent for another minute or so, the two just thinking to themselves.

Suddenly, a nurse walked out holding a clipboard. "Donatello's family? Is Donatello's family here?"

The two looked up, jumping to their feet and causing the other two to awaken with a jolt.
"Y- yes! Yes we're here!" Leo said quickly, running over.
"Alright then, follow me." They turned, beginning to make their way into a small corridor.
The family followed close behind, anxiously awaiting to enter.
"I must inform you not to touch his upper plastron, as it is still healing." They informed, before opening the door and stepping aside.
The squad filed in, making a beeline for the medical bed and looking down at the softshell.
"He is asleep, and will be for quite a while. Please be mindful of the breathing mask so as to not jostle it or knock it from his face." The doctor advised.
They nodded, checking to make sure nothing was messed up at all before returning their gazes to the sleeping terrapin.
"When will he wake up doc?" Raph questioned.
"Most likely in quite a few minutes, possibly hours." He guessed.
The snapper nodded.
The Baron gently cupped the side of the genius's face, rubbing his cheek lightly. Oh. . Donatello, if only we had figured it out sooner. . .

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