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"Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your longing behind
You can't carry it with you if you want to survive."

. . . . . .

"Ugh. . . Everyone okay?" Raphael groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head.
"Yeah-" Mikey nodded.
"Heh- guess we got a pretty big beating, huh Hermanos?" Leo quipped, chuckling lightly.
"Yeah. . Wait- why is it so dark?" Mikey realized, looking around before standing and taking a few steps.
"Ow! Mikey that's my foot!"
"Sorry Leo! Erm- Donnie?" He apologized, unknowing of which brother he stepped on.
"Alright everyone, stop movin' for a sec. Donnie, do you have anythin' to help?"
"Ehhh. . Define- help."
"Yes, dear brother?"
"You don't have anything do you?"
"Sigh. No, my cuff seems to have been shattered upon impact with the floor. Which, if you ask me, is really dusty. . And gross—" He cringed, fanning most of the supposed dust off his hand. "-And sharp." He added.
"Dang, nothin' in ya battle shell?"
"Can't access it without the cuff."

"Well, what if we all stand up, hold our arms out, and maybe we'll eventually find each other?" Mikey suggested hopefully.
"Great idea Mikester, now, how exactly do I get up when I can't see the ground?" The slider questioned.
"Wait! Perhaps I do have something of use!" The genius spoke up, the small sound of clicking and rummaging being heard from the same vicinity as his voice. "Aha! And this is why, I always bring my phone as well."
"Oh! I think I have mine too!" Leo suddenly spoke, a sound akin to a child rummaging through their backpack being heard as the blue-clad hummed in approval. "Bingo!"
"Great, now turn them on." Raph said, awaiting for the lights to appear.

Suddenly, two faint lights illuminated the ground around them, not enough to see anything clearly, but enough to see the outlines and shapes of things.
"Don I thought you updated these things?" Leo questioned.
"Well, it would help if our batteries weren't below fifteen percent." He snapped.
"Hey! You know I gotta keep myself updated on the latest feed. What if something important is happening?"
"Define important, 'Nardo."
"Guys, can we save the middle-child nonsense for after we're out of- this place." The snapper sighed.

"Fine!" The 'twins' snapped, small huffs of annoyance being heard from either body.
"Alright, well, we can see that we're in some sorta cave— or tunnel." Raph noted.
"Precisely." Donnie agreed.
"Let's just focus on standin' first so we can gain our—"

The faint sound of some sort of roar- or- whistle? Interrupted the snapper, causing the four to scramble to their feet.

"Uh- Guys- what was that?" Mikey asked innocently, clinging to the closest brother he could find. The brother in question, turned out to be Donnie.
"Unsure, 'Angelo. But it sounds—"


The ground began to rumble slightly, small pebbles being heard bouncing around on. . Metal? Metal and wood—
. . .

Oh gods.

"Leo! Portal! Now!!" The genius snapped, turning to the outline of his twin.
"I can't! My swords are—"


"Back there—" He finished.
"Exasperated sigh. I got it! Just run!" The purple-coded softshell yelled, sprinting towards the noise. . .
He heard the others' begin running the opposite direction. With a small (verbal) sigh, he continued sprinting towards the faint outline of the weapons. As soon as he reached for them, he saw it.

Two bright lights appeared larger, turning the corner, followed by a loud screech and the same whistle. The lights lit up his entire area, as if it was some sort of spotlight on him and the space in front. It was moving fast, really fast, and—

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