Rollercoaster Ride

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Here, have this emotional rollercoaster y'all!///


"Leonardo, I understand your anger on the matter. I truly do, but it is not wise to lash out upon ones close to you. It never ends well."
"I didn't mean it! I- it was a spur of the moment! I wasn't thinking let me apologize!"
"No, we mustn't risk him distressing over the matter. Raphael has it under control. For now you need to calm yourself first."
"No 'but's, Leonardo. Worry for thyself before anyone else. Because if you worry for others first you are at risk of injury to yourself."
"I- but-" He began to protest, sighing in defeat. "Fine. ."
"Good, I'm glad we have that resolved." He patted the top of his head, receiving a stubborn swat away in response.
"Well then can we at least go get something to eat? I'm hungry—"
"Yes, we may. I suggest you message Raphael though, so he does not worry."
"Got it." He nodded, yanking out his phone and walking towards the hospital exit.
Draxum followed close behind. "So, what cuisine are you interested in eating?"

"Uhhhhhh, I dunno." He shrugged. "Y'all have pizza here?"
"Indeed, it is quite a popular food down here." He nodded.
"Can we do that?"
"Indeed, we may."
"Great!" He grinned, looking around. "Eh- lead the way?"
He couldn't help but give a light chuckle, shaking his head in amusement as he began walking towards the direction of the pizza place in question.


"Where am I. . ?"
"Always such a foolish child. . ."
"What. . ? Who are—"
"To return here even after I have specifically stated to leave. I did say to get out of my home, did I not?"
"W- wait I don't remember—"
"Silence! Leave this place this instant, child."
"Wait no please- I don't wanna be hurt again—"
"Well then maybe you should have thought about that before you became this thing."
"But pa—"
"Do not call me that, child! You do not deserve to use such a term for me."
"S- sorry I didn't—"
"Out! Out I say! Before I have to resort to force to be rid of you."
"No please wait I'll do anything!! I'll fix the T.V. i'll- I'll build you whatever you want I'll enhance your recliner again just please don't kick me out!!"
"Get. Out."
"Please. . Please—"

. . .

"Wh- where— oh. No- nonono—" His breaths increased, panic quickly rising as he recognized the ever familiar alley.

(Faint footsteps growing)

"No- No please I'll leave—"
"It's too late for that, freak. We don't want your friends coming and ruining this place."
"I don't have many— I won't tell anyone I promise just please don't touch me—"
"All I hear is lies, nerd."
The figures grew closer, stepping into the light.
"Wh- Wait— There were only five—"
The figures grin in sync maliciously.
"Seems your friend list just dropped to zero, Donatello." A feminine voice spoke. Oddly familiar. . .
"A- April— Why are you here—?"
"How pathetic, stuttering like the scared little child you are. Thought you'd have been better than that, 'Tello." Another voice spoke, Leo.
"Bad 'xcuse of a softshell if I've ever seen one." A third spoke.
"Raph- Leo— I'm sorry whatever I did I can fix it—"
"Like how you 'fixed' our problems with whatever those trashy metal and cloth pieces of junk were?" A fourth snapped harshly.
"Mikey- I didn't— That's not—"
"I don't wanna hear it Dee, this is why you're my least favorite. You always try to make up for your stupid problems with tech and it never works out. I'm sick of it. We all are."

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