Brothers Dearest

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(The gun part is slightly rewritten. I hated it)

Donatello woke up hours later, yawning and blinking the blurriness from his eyes. Turns out that had been the best night's sleep he had gotten for a long while. He sat up, unraveling himself from the cocoon he made from the hoodie. He brushed it out, swung his feet over the side of the bed, and hopped out. He took another moment to pause and make sure he didn't lose balance or pass out from getting up so fast, then nodded to himself and looked around. What time was it? How long have I been asleep for? He thought, then glanced at his phone, which was placed neatly upside down on his desk. He picked it up, squinting as he was met with a burst of bright light. The time read 1:34 AM.

He sighed, then hobbled his way over to the door. He opened it and walked out, deciding to search for something to do since he couldn't sleep. Should I eat? No not hungry. . . Maybe check up on everyone? No, I don't hear anything. And I don't want to wake them. I suppose I'll see if I can get something done in the lab—

He made his way to a giant metal door, written on that door where the words "Authorized personnel only" He sighed, then pushed open the door and walked in. He suddenly shivered at the feeling of the cold ground beneath him. He sat down in his rolling chair and powered his large PC setup on. Suddenly, over ten different sized screens turned on with a satisfying click sound. Oh how he used to love that sound.

Key words, used to.

He winced at the sound, but quickly gained composure and rubbed his face into the soft, oversized hoodie for comfort. This feels wrong for some reason. . . I don't like that sound— in fact, I hate that sound. . .

He stared at the largest screen, which had a purple background with the words "Please type in your password" on it. Below it had twenty little spaces evenly placed apart. He hated it. He shut off the PC and leaned back in his chair. Why. . Why do I hate it so much? I thought I was the tech guy? Why do I not want to be here?

He sat there for a while. He wasn't sure exactly how long he was up for, until he finally reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone. He turned it on and squinted to read the bright purple numbers. 3:24 AM

He had been there for almost two hours doing nothing.

He lifted himself from the chair and managed to not fall in the process, then walked back over to the door and left. He closed the mostly silent door. He was glad he had fixed it, otherwise it would have made a loud screeching sound similar to—

Suddenly a loud, ear splitting screeching sound could be heard from the living room. He was startled, and reeled back, hitting the wall. He covered his ears, or rather where his ears would be if he had any. The noise was scary, it had scared him so much he began tearing up. He started trembling, the noise lasted a good five seconds, but it felt like forever until it had stopped. He did not get out of that position, he had his knees to his chest and his hands on his ear holes. His face was down in his knees. He used the hood to cover his neck, which felt unbearably empty at the time.

No, not empty, vulnerable.

He must have ended up screaming or something when the noise happened because he heard different sized footsteps approaching. He didn't look up, he was too scared to.

"Don, what's wrong?!" Raph suddenly spoke, looking down at the soft-shell with a worried expression.
"Yeah, we heard a scream. What happened?" Leo added.
Mikey sat beside Donnie, who had slowly started lifting his head to look up.

"I— um— Yeah I'm fine. . . Sorry for waking you—" He didn't really know what to say at the moment. He felt he was going to say something that sounded like nonsense if he spoke much further.

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