Mama Help! (Angst)

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(In which Donnie Is kidnapped by a deranged villain, or rather villains, and said villain teases raphael by giving him riddles to help find him. The cruel yokai sends video of their poor brother after each riddle is completed. . Each riddle he gets wrong has consequences. . .)

"I hath arrived oh-dear-brother!" Leo barged into the lab, striking quite the glamorous pose before opening his eyes in confusion. " 'Tello?" He questioned, confused as to why he wasn't being thrown out or screamed at by his twin. He stopped the pose, standing and looking around.

The lights were dimmed to their lowest setting. .

Red flag number 1.

His chair is slightly out of place. . .

Red flag number two—

There's a note taped on the desk. . .
. . .

Leo gasped, dashing to the paper and snatching it up. He read through it, thoroughly confused.

"Check your room, Raphael. . ."

Oh. So this was meant for his brother—

"Oh raaaaphadoodle~!" Leo dashed out of the room, nearly tripping and running into practically every wall on the way. "Raph now!!" He yelled. He was quite confused, and excited to see what his genius twin was writing the note for.
"Yeah? What's wrong what is it?" He turned from his place on the bar counter stool, confusion plastered on his face and only growing with the paper he was so unceremoniously handed.
"Read! Read! I think Donnie has something for ya!" The blue clad slider exclaimed.
"Eh— okay?" He raised an eyebrow ridge, looking at the paper. His brows furrowed once he finished the singular sentence. "This is new," He commented.
"Yeah, yeah we can bother him about it later let's go!" Leo went to sprint towards the snappers room, before being yanked back behind the now standing snapper.
"Ey, not yours." He said, before patting the clearly annoyed younger on the head and walking towards his room.

He had not expected to see—

"LEO! MIKEY! GET IN HERE!!" He boomed, terror evident in his tone.
"What? What happened are you alright?!" Mikey appeared beside him, looking up at the terrified brother in confusion.
Leo bounded into the room, gasping and panting and nearly running into the oldest's shell. "What? Was it good?"
"L- look—" He pointed a trembling hand in front of him.

He never stuttered. . .

"Raph. . ? Oh- Oh my god. ." Leo's eyes widened, taking in the scene in front of him.

Donnie's goggles battle shell lay on the ground, in front of some sort of monitor with a tape half-placed into the slot in the player. His bō stands, leaning against said monitor with his mask on top of the machine.

"That- isn't good—" Leo commented, before watching the youngest push the tape completely into the slot.
"Wait Mikey—" Raph began, before being interrupted by the monitor flipping on with a rather annoying screech, then an even more annoying high-pitched ringing. A video began to play. . .

"Hello, Raphael. I'm sure you don't remember me. . But you and my gang met in the Mystic City  a while ago. . . I wasn't too happy with the results. And so, I've decided to take matters into my own hands." A purple clad looking rodent spoke, standing in front of the screen and seemingly blocking the view of the room intentionally.
"I assume you're curious to know what happened with your brother. . And I'll tell you. He is fine, for now." The rodent continued. "If you don't cooperate with us, and something doesn't go our way, I'll be forced to give the biting little shit much deserved punishment." He scowled, another member of said "gang"—the blue one—popping into view with a large bite mark across his shoulder. .
"If you don't believe me, see for yourself." The purple one grinned, shoving the blue one away and stepping aside.

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