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"Leo! Stop foolin' around! You're gonna get us distracted!"
"Then don't get distracted, duh!" The slider exclaimed, grinning as he slashed a portal into the air and teleported to another part of the attacking group (almost felt like an army at this point. .) of villains.
"Dang it Leo— Donnie! Get the left side, Mikey, get the back end!"
"Got it Raphie!"
"On it, Raph."
The two separated from their previous positions, making their way towards the designated ends of the offending villains.
The snapper nodded in content, glad at least someone was listening. He returned his attention to the oncoming enemy, swinging a glowing red fist directly at their face and sending them flying into another few.

The slider would be heard laughing and giggling, making his cheesy one-liners at the enemy before sending them to who knows where! (Probably Egypt or something. .) The sound of his sword cutting through the air heard just before the ever-familiar hum and crackle of a royal blue portal appearing mid air.
The softshell was holding his own, blasting the offenders with his mystic-arsenal and whatever other gadgets he had. (They stopped questioning after he pulled out a literal cannon from his battle shell, and a fucking fridge just days after)
Michelangelo however, was having some troubles. It seemed the group of what was now recognized as king scorpion yokai had decided to attempt to go after him first, since he was the smallest and supposedly the weakest. He would have much better odds had he not been mostly attempting to avoid stingers to the face and legs.
The snapper gasped as he spotted the box turtle being surrounded by more than he could clearly handle, immediately running towards him before the slider appeared in front of the latter. Crap— No no c'mon Raph you gotta help 'em.
The blue-clad was holding them off on one side, shell-to-shell with the younger as they tag-teamed the group.

Apparently it attracted the majority of the others.

Raph sprinted for them, using his Mystic form to bulldoze through the rapidly growing army and curling around the other two before a stinger had gotten the chance to stab Leo in the neck.
The stinger broke upon impact, followed by a pained screech from the yokai and an immediate retreat from it. The others, however, had other plans.
Donnie noticed, having instantly realized the number of yokai focusing on him was dwindling rapidly. His eyes widened, using his hover shell and launched himself into the air, summoning a few guns and managing to blast quite a few of the ones that were closest to the trio to dust particles. (it's mystic guns, what do you expect?)
Raph looked up and smiled, nodding in thanks and receiving an approving nod in response as the softshell descended from the air towards them.
He landed behind the mystic form of his brother, noting that the scorpions were dumb enough to go towards the shell area rather than the front—fortunately for them. He used his bō as an anchor for his mystic weapons, using it to assist Raph as well as he hooked it on one of the large glowing form's lower shell spikes. He grinned, content with himself as the energy combined, essentially creating larger—and much stronger guns.

"Nice job Don!" Mikey smiled, giving a thumbs up.
"Why thank you dear broth—" He was abruptly cut off, body jolting forward slightly as his legs fumbled for stability.
Everyone's eyes widened, simultaneous screams being heard as the softshell stood, a steady stream of unknown substance dripping down his leg. He slowly looked down, hand guiding itself to the suddenly stinging part of his side. He gently touched the origin of the stream, pulling his hand away to look at what it was.

Oh, that was blood.

He had been stabbed.

He suddenly realized the true extent of the wound as the stinging became throbbing, which quickly became straight up burning. He became lightheaded, vision beginning to darken as he began to sway, unstable.
Someone screamed the softshell's name, but it had fallen to deaf ears and been drowned out by a sudden ringing in the purple-clad's ears.
"O- ie!" The muffled voice called, damn near inaudible from the annoying ringing.
The genius's vision blurred, the sudden feeling of something pressing against the wound earning a pained whine. He lowered his head to see a blurry orange and green blob in front of him.
"I know Donnie, I'm sorry! I know it hurts!" The younger apologized, continuing to press Donnie's mask onto the wound. (When did he take it off of him??)
There wasn't so much as a mumble from the latter, words yet again not being heard more than muffled noises. The swaying continued, Mikey having wrapped the older's arm over his shoulders for stability before he suddenly keeled over, eyes rolling to the back of his head and body going limp as it collapsed to the ground.
Mikey screamed, feeling the arm quickly slip off his shoulders and nearly drag him with. He quickly kneeled down, rolling the other onto his shell and ensuring he wasn't dead.

He wasn't, good.

Wait. .

His skin was about three shades paler, his breathing sporadic and ragged. His heart rate hd slowed down a significant amount, thankfully not enough to be entirely dangerous yet. . .
"No no c'mon Dee— C'mon we need you don't leave us yet—" The youngest cried out, gently shaking the other and choking on early sobs. He couldn't be, he can't be. . !

He's dying.

"Donnie please!! We'll get you to med bay just hold on, wake up please you can't sleep right now!" He cried, sobbed, screamed even. Yet the other didn't even so much as stir.

No, he couldn't lose him. He couldn't lose his immediate older brother. That is not happening!

He scowled, ripping his bandanna off and using it to assist in the blockage of the wound. I am not losing a brother, not now, not ever. He thought, tying off the ends tightly and lightly pressing on the wound to ensure it was actually doing something for it.

It was.

He hadn't even realized when the other two arrived, too focused on trying to wake Donnie up to even think about anything else.
Raph kneeled down beside the softshell, gently positioning his hands underneath his shell and legs and lifting him up slowly.
Leo had sliced a portal back to the lair, allowing the other two to run in before hopping after.


The three ran straight to the med bay, immediately getting to work in repairing the wound before he bled out much more. They quickly cleaned up the wound, keeping something pressed firmly on it to ensure it didn't continue spewing out the purple liquid. (Yes, it was purple, long story)
They carefully extracted the venom, stapled it up (couldn't stitch, it was on his side, in which the hard bridge was located) and bandaged it, waiting a few minutes just in case the softshell's body rejected the staples (it usually does, thankfully it didn't this time.) They had to give him an IV and a few other fluids to help replenish the lost blood, but eventually everything began working as it was meant to.
Mikey was sobbing, latched to the genius's hand like he was super-glued to it and giving a few squeezes every once in a while.
Leo was cleaning up, not even bothering to try making light to the situation. He knew it would only make it worse.
Raph was. . Shocked to say the least. He hadn't expected anything like that to happen at all. Even if it could have been worse. He swore he thought of every possible scenario but that. Himself being stabbed? Sure. Returning home with nothing more than just a few scratches and bruises? Possibly, though knowing their luck, it would be more of a 30/70 chance. At least one of them being stung? Yeah, absolutely, and technically he was right. Since the offending weapon was a stinger that had stabbed the younger. But he hadn't expected anything more than a simple sting, like that of a normal scorpion. One that wouldn't leave much damage other than the obvious one, venom.

Oh how he was so terribly wrong.

Wrong and completely, utterly stu—

"Hey, Raph you're mumbling again. Why don't you lay down for a bit?" Leo's voice spoke, startling the snapper.
"Mikey says he's got 'im. C'mon, let's go to bed." He informed, grabbing his hand and leading him out.

The box turtle was there for the next few days. . .

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