Chapter 4

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Everyone filed into the backyard, the rain pattering against the umbrellas. Five had an umbrella in his left hand and Noah's hand in his other. Noah stayed close to five, their shoulders touching as they made their way to the middle of the yard. Diego and Luther, being the competitive adult children they are, had no umbrella, probably to prove who was stronger and could last longer in the rain.

"Did something happen?" Grace asked, looking around at everyone with a cheerful smile.

Everyone gave her strange looks. "Dad died. Remember?" Allison questioned.

Grace's face dropped, "Oh. Yes, of course."

"Is mom okay?" Allison asked Diego.

He nodded, "Yeah, yeah, she's fine. She just needs to rest. You know, recharge."

Pogo walked up to the seven and looked at Luther who was holding the urn, "Whenever you're ready, dear boy."

Number One looked at it sadly for a moment before opening the top, he tipped it upside down and all the ashes poured to the ground in a muddy pile from the rain.

Klaus winced and Noah snickered, nudging Five in the side, trying to get him to laugh as well.

Luther looked up, "Probably would have done better with some wind."

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Pogo quizzed.

Noah raised a finger, "Oh! Can I say something?"

Five pushed his hand down and shook his head, already knowing what the boy would say, "Nope. You can not." Noah sighed and leaned against Five once more.

Pogo looked around for any more volunteers, "Very well. In all regards, Sir Reginald Hargreeves made me what I am today. For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master... and my friend, and I shall miss him very much. He leaves behind a complicated legacy-"

Diego cut him off, "He was a monster."

Klaus and Noah laughed, Noah's smile brightening when he realized he didn't have to laugh alone this time.

"He was a bad father and a worse father." Diego continued. "The world's better off without him"

"Diego," Allison warned.

"My name is Number Two. You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names. He had mom do it."

Grace perked at her name, "Would anyone like something to eat?"

"No, it's okay, mom," Vanya reassured.

"Oh, okay." She said sadly.

"Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead." Diego said, walking in the middle of the circle the siblings had made around the ashes. "But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

"You should stop talking now." Luther threatened.

"Ohhh, shits about to get real," Noah muttered excitedly.

"You know, you of all people should be on my side here, Number One."

"I am warning you."

"After everything he did to you? He had to ship you a million miles away."

"Diego, stop talking." Luther snarled.

"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Diego yelled, hitting his finger on the man's chest.

Luther slapped it away and threw a punch to Diego's head, but he quickly ducked. Punch after punch was thrown by Number One but Diego kept dodging them.

"Boys, stop this at once!" Pogo exclaimed.

Klaus stuck his arm out as if trying to protect his two 'younger' brothers, Five grimaced and slapped his arm away.

"Stop it!" Vanya tried.

"Hit him! Hit him!" Klaus cheered.

"Beat his ass, Diego! I'm betting 5 bucks on you!" Noah yelled. He turned to Klaus, "Wanna bet?"

"I'm betting on Diego as well though..." Klaus said sadly.

"Crap...Ummm." Noah sighed, he looked around and his smile returned. "Hey, Allison! Wanna bet on who will win?!"

"Not now, Noah!" She snapped, not taking her eyes off the fight.

"Oh, okay. Sorry." Noah muttered. He looked back at the fight and saw that Pogo was walking back into the house, Luther grabbed Diego by his shirt and threw him to the ground. Luther kept trying to punch him and Diego kicked him in the stomach. They were getting too close to Ben's statue.

Luther grabbed Number Two's shirt again and held him an arm's length away, "Get off me!" Diego shouted and twisted the man's arm, Luther tried to hit Diego's arm but he let go just in time.

The two separated and Five sighed, walking away, "We don't have time for this."

"Come here, big boy!" Diego urged. Luther tried to punch him again and Diego ducked. Luther's fist slammed right into Ben's statue, the statue fell to the ground and the head snapped clean off.

"Luther!" Noah yelled, his voice breaking. That was all he had left of Ben. Now it was broken.

"Oh..." Klaus sighed.

"And there goes Ben's statue," Allison said in disapproval. She walked away, out of sight and into the house.

Diego pulled a knife out of one of his thigh bands and Vanya gasped, "Diego, no!"

He ignored her pleas and threw the knife, it sliced into Luther's arm and he quickly gripped it in shock. Diego realized what he did and just stood there staring as Luther walked back into the house.

"You never know when to stop, do you?" Vanya questioned, walking up to the man.

Still staring ahead of him, he quipped back, "Got enough material for your sequel yet?"

"He was my father, too." She stated and walked away.

Diego walked up to Grace and grabbed her arm lightly, "Mom. Let's go inside. Come on. Okay? Come on." He said softly as he lead her inside.

Noah stared at the broken statue on the ground with a pained look written all over his face. Klaus got up from the stone bench he had sat on and crouched down in front of Reginald's ashes, he took the joint out of his mouth and spoke to it, "I bet you're loving this. Hm? The team at its best. It's just like old times." He took one more puff of the joint before sticking it in the top of the ashes. He stood up and began walking away, "Best funeral ever." Noah closed his eyes and sighed, nothing lasts forever.

(Words: 1017)

AN: Hello, beautiful people! Sorry that I haven't been posting chapters as often, I have another book that I've been struggling to write and I completely forgot about this one. Anyways, I love you all and I hope you like this chapter <3

-ash :)

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