Chapter 19

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WEDNESDAY. 8:15 am

When the three got home, Noah changed into a a pair of black jeans, a white button up, and pulled Five's blazer on over it. He lay down on Five's bed and pulled the sheets over his head, hugging his stomach.

Someone knocked on the door 20 minutes later but Noah didn't answer, after a few moments the person opened the door.

"Noah, get out bed. We need to have a family meeting." Luther ordered.

"I don't feel good, just do it without me." He mumbled.

"I don't care. You're apart of this family, therefore, you have to attend family meetings. You have 5 minutes to get downstairs or I'm dragging you."

Noah sighed to let Luther know he agreed and the man shut the door. God, he hated his family sometimes. He felt sick to stomach from all the stress, what if Five's hurt or won't come back, what if the world ends? He doesn't want Five to die or any of his family for that matter.

He felt like throwing up. He felt like sobbing his eyes out. He wanted to hold Five in his arms. He wanted to feel Five's lips on his again, have the familiar taste of coffee grace his lips. He wanted his Five back.

"Noah!" Luther's voice belted angrily from downstairs.

Has it already been 5 minutes? Noah slowly got out of Five's warm bed, he was glad the blazer smelt like Five, he didn't know what he would do without it.

He walked down the stairs and into the living room where everyone was, except Vanya, who he noticed was missing. Everyone stopped talking when they spotted him walk in and begun staring, watching his every move. He kept his head down as he walked past everyone and sat down on the couch that Klaus was sitting in front of. He knew why they were staring. Firstly, they had been told about Five leaving, secondly, he was wearing Five's blazer, thirdly, he looked like shit from crying a bit earlier.

He looked up at everyone and put on the most convincing smile that he could muster at the moment, "Let's get this started already, shall we?"

Allison cleared her throat and spoke first, continueing from were they left off, "Three days?" She handed Luther a cup of coffee. Noah didn't like coffee, but he would honestly die to have something more to remind him of Five.

"That's what Five said." Luther agreed.

Allison handed around the coffee's to everyone and Noah looked at her, "Where's mine?"

She tilted her head in confusion, "You hate coffee." She pointed out.

"Well- I mean... not really. I- It's just..." He struggled.

"Reminds you of your 'dear Five?'" Diego teased jokingly from his spot on the opposite couch. He handed Noah his coffee, "Here you go, lover boy, you can have mine."

Noah took the coffee with a shy smile, "Thanks, Diego."

Klaus ressumed the original topic, "The old bastard did mention the apocalypse, come to think of it. He just left out the part about how soon."

"But can we trust him? I don't know if you've noticed, but Five's a little..."  She twirled her finger in a circle around her head and whistled.

Noah immediately got defensive, "Five's not crazy, you dumb bitch."

"Whoa." Everyone said in sync, surprised by the sudden outburst.

"Sorry. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that." Noah apologized quickly, setting his coffee down on the wide wooden arm of the couch.

"It's fine." Allison accepted.

Klaus chuckled, "Our little psyco's."

"He was pretty convincing." Luther reassured. "If he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse, those lunatics wouldn't be chasing him."

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