Chapter 24

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Noah awoke and looked up at Five who was still holding him, Five was dead asleep. Noah looked at the clock and hummed in amusement, he had only slept for 40 minutes, that must be a newfound record. He looked back at his boyfriend and admired his features for a few minutes; The way his usually perfect, chocolate brown hair was ruffled from sleeping, his perfect jawline that Noah was totally jealous of, the way his sleeping face looked so adorable that Noah could die. He was just so flawless. He loved him.

Eight looked away when he realized that he was staring like a creep and felt the need to walk around the room and do something. He carefully got out of Five's grip and stood up. He kinda wanted cereal, but at the same time, he didn't. He stood in the middle of the room for a minute and finally concluded that he would have cereal just to make Five proud.

He soundlessly opened and closed the door and headed down to the kitchen.

Five woke up when he felt the presence of his boyfriend missing and sat up in bed, "Love?" He looked around the room and immediately panicked. He deeply disliked when he didn't know where the boy was and what he was doing, he had made that mistake before.

He quickly got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to look for him. Just as he was about to open the bathroom door, Noah came into view from the corner of his eye.

Five whipped his head around to see Noah coming up the stairs with a bowl of cereal in one hand and the spoon in the other.

"What are you doing?" Five questioned.

Noah looked up from his breakfast, "Eating cereal. Did you want some? Sorry, I didn't know you were awake. I can make you some if you want. Or we could share, 'cause like we've made out-" He rambled.

"No, I-" Five stared at him for a second. "It's fine. What kind of cereal?" He asked, trying not to sound surprised that Noah was eating without being asked.

"Corn Flakes... with sugar... a lot." He chuckled, eating another spoonful. "You sure you don't want some?"


"Are you, though? You didn't get any coffee." He pointed it.

"Fine." Five sighed and held his hand out for the bowl and spoon. Noah completely ignored his hand and held up a spoonful of cereal to Five's mouth.

Five scrunched his nose in confusion and backed up a step, "I can feed myself."

Noah mimicked the sound of a plane with a huge smile and kept trying to feed Five, "Here comes the airplane." He said in a high-pitch voice.

Five kept backing up, "No, no, no, no. Stop, Noah, stop." Five chuckled. His back hit the wall and Noah cornered him, Five pursed his lips as Noah tried to push the spoon into his mouth.

"Open up, buttercup." Noah laughed like it was the funniest thing ever. His hand shook as he laughed making little drops of milk occasionally fall to the floor.

Five tried to turn his head away, "Noah!" He screeched, laughing as well.

Noah missed this side of Five. He missed when they were carefree and stupidly funny.

Five's hand flew up to save himself but it hit the bowl of cereal and it spilt all over the floor, glass shattering everywhere. Noah's jaw dropped and he gasped. He dropped the spoon on the floor to add more effect and dramatically fell to his knees in front of the mess.

He raised his arms above his head and tilted his head back, "Nooooooooooo!" He hollered.

After the general shock of what happened, Five broke into a fit of laughter. "Oh, my God." He cackled, covering his mouth with his hand.

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