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AN: I'm bored and don't feel like writing the actual story rn so I'm just gonna make some mini stories in this chapter about their childhood...



(21 Years Ago... they were around 8)

Noah sat on the carpet in Five's bedroom, tapping his hands on his lap and singing a song that he apparently made a long time ago but he really just made it up on the spot. According to him, it was a song to celebrate their 1 year anniversary of friendship.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13-" He cut himself off and shook his head. "Wait, no, I was supposed to stop at 3."

Five sat on his bed, leaning against the wall behind him and crossing his ankles. He flipped a page in his book, "That's great." He muttered encouragingly, not even listening.

Noah beamed and continued singing confidently, "1, 2, 3... uh... the chair is flying and I am dying! Fly! Fly high chair! Oh, no! Looks like it broke! Boom, bam, crash! The world is in pieces! Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah!" He sung.

Five raised a brow and peeked up from over his book to see Noah excitedly waiting for his opinion. "Uh... Yeah, it was great. Good job."

Noah happily got up and jumped onto Five's bed, crossing his legs. "Thanks. What'cha reading now?"

"Thermodynamics." Five shrugged casually.

"Cool. Can I see?" He questioned, sitting on his knees and leaning forward a bit to try and see it upside down.

Five made sure to memorize his page number before flipping the book around and laying it in front of the boy. Noah immediately began flipping through pages curiously, quickly scanning over all the numbers and letters.

"So... what does this book teach you exactly?" He quizzed, looking up at Five. He loved when Five learnt about new things because he would always try to teach him, and that just let him spend more time with his best friend.

Five tried to think of a simple way to explain it, "It explains the laws of thermodynamics and how the energy in a system changes and whether the system can perform useful work on its surroundings." When Noah still looked confused he sighed quietly. "It teaches you about heat, temperature, and energy."

"Oh, that's cool." Noah smiled, resuming flipping through the pages. He had no idea why numbers were needed to figure out heat but whatever Five says is always true. Five watched as Eight silently went over the pages, obviously intrigued by the new subject. He was quiet for 20 minutes. That was a new record...

Luther bust open the door with a plate of chocolate chip cookies in hand, "Hey, Five. You want some-" He cut himself off at the sight of Noah on the bed and grimaced. "Ugh. What are you doing in here?"

"Oh, can I have a cookie?" Noah exclaimed, about to get off the bed and hurry over.

"No." Luther scoffed.

Noah froze, "Why not?"

"Cause they're not for you." He snarked. "Besides, you don't need any more sugar. You're already fat enough."

He tilted his head in confusion, "Mummy said it's not nice to bully people. And I'm not fat." He defended.

Luther scoffed again, "Whatever helps you sleep at night."

"Go away, Luther!" Five shouted.

Luther slammed the door without another word and Noah sat back down on his butt. He looked down at his stomach confusedly and lifted his shirt a bit, "Am I fat?" He asked Five innocently. Sure, he had a bit of a belly but all little kids had a bit of stomach fat that they eventually grew out of. It was like 'baby face', it usually disappeared with puberty.

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