chapter 34

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Noah woke up in that same alley. He had no idea what time it was, what happened, or where he was. Then it all came back to him. His eyes immediately filled with tears and his breathing became heavy.

His whole body hurt so bad. It was unbearable. Noah had never felt a pain like this before. He's been in loads of fights, been hit an uncountable amount of times, but this was a different kind of pain. He didn't understand why it hurt so much more.

He must have blacked out. Except, it wasn't from the pain, it was from fear. Pure, gut wrenching fear.

Noah must have laid in the middle of that alleyway for at least an hour, shaking, silently crying, and occasionally letting out a small whimper. He didn't want to move. He felt so violated and used. Like he was some object. He was so scared. He didn't want to know what that man did to him. He knew that whatever he did, was really bad. Noah didn't feel like himself anymore.

His skin. He could feel everywhere that man touched him. His hands on his body. Noah wanted to peel his skin off. Just claw at himself and rip off every spot that man touched. The thought of his hands on his skin made all those places feel like they were on fire. Noah couldn't even cry anymore. It's as if his emotions all shut off, all he could experience was agony. And he had to experience that in silence. Torture.

Finally, Noah slowly sat up, his eyes empty. He got to his feet, and walked home. No emotion evident on his face. He felt like he wasn't controlling himself anymore. This wasn't his body. He was just up there in his head, watching everything from behind his eyes. It was an unexplainable feeling.

Eight got home and walked up the stairs of the building. He slowly opened the door and saw Elliot sat at the kitchen table, his head in his hands with the light above him on. His head snapped up immediately at the sound of the door opening and he rushed over to Noah.

"Noah! Where have you been? It's 2am! I thought you died, i was this close to calling the police!" He exclaimed. Noah could tell he wasn't mad, just scared.

He stared at his friend and then looked down at his feet, "Yeah, um, I'm really sorry.. I lost track of time and I got distracted... I'm actually really sorry, Elliot."

Elliot sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's okay, just-..." he sighed again. "are you okay?" He questioned, worriedly.

"Yeah." Noah nodded, blankly.

"You didn't get hurt out there?"

"No. I'm just really tired, Elliot.. is it okay if i go to sleep..?"

Elliot nodded slowly and watched as Noah walked into his room and shut the door. Eventually, Elliot turned out the light and went to bed too. The second he knew Elliot was asleep - by his very loud snoring - Noah went straight to his dresser, opened a drawer, and grabbed a blade.

TW: self harm

He sat down in the corner of his room and took off his shirt and pants, the only thing remaining was his undershirt and boxers. He stared at the blade for a second and then lowered it down to his thigh.

He watched blankly as the blade pushed down into his skin and was dragged across his leg. Like most of his scars, it went deep. The skin parted from itself and blood almost immediately came gushing out, dripping down his thigh and onto the hardwood floor. It barely even stung anymore.

He repeated that act everywhere that man had touched him. His thighs, his wrists, his arms, his stomach, his hips.

Eventually, his hands and the blade were covered in his own blood.

Mainly his thighs and upper arms were where all the blood was dripping down from. They always bled more.

He stared down at the mess he made. He wished they had hurt more. He wants to feel more external pain. But nothing could have matched what he's feeling, so there was no use.

He cleaned up his mess, wrapped bandages around his wounds after they were washed by a bit of water, put different clothes on and immediately went to bed. He didn't want to wake up. He wished he didn't.


The Next Day - November 15th

Noah woke up the next morning to the sound of someone knocking on the door, and a minute later, Elliot screaming. Such a wonderful thing to wake up to. Not. So he simply went back to sleep, cause it's not his problem if Elliot dies or something. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself.

Noah woke up a second time four minutes later to the sound of a new voice. He couldn't make out what the voice was saying or who it was, but he didn't really care. He just wanted to sleep, was that too hard to ask for? He rolled over and turned his back to the door, covering his head with his pillow.

He was peacefully sleeping once again when his door slowly cracked open, creaking quite loudly. Noah groaned in annoyance.

"Elliot. What did I say about waking me up before noon." He snarled, grumpily.

It was silent for a second and then the person spoke. "...Noah?"

"What do you want-" Noah paused. That voice. No. No, Five is dead, he's still dreaming. He can't handle his stupid mind, right now.

"Noah." The voice said again.

Noah tensed, slowly moved the pillow off his face and painfully sat up.

He turned his head to the person and froze.

No fucking way. There stood his boyfriend. He didn't look any different from the day he last saw him.

"F-Five..?" Noah whispered, in complete shock. He got out of bed faster than the speed of light, not caring how much pain he was in, and hugged Five so tight he probably broke the boys bones. Yet, Five hugged back nonetheless.

Noah began crying a second later, practically hyperventilating. "Oh-oh my god. I-I- you-" He gave up trying to form a sentence and just sobbed.

Five was confused but mainly worried at how long Noah has been alone here for. Right now, he needed to comfort Noah, not ask him a shit ton of questions.

"It's okay, it's okay. Im here, love. It's me. You're okay. You're safe. You're not alone." Five reassured every minute or so.

"I thought you w-were dead." Noah wailed.

"I'm so sorry that I left you here, love."

It took over an hour to stop Noah's crying but it only ended because Five eventually led him over to his bed and sat him down, causing him to almost immediately fall asleep from the exhaustion of crying so much.

Five sat there, with Noah dead asleep on his lap, overthinking how long he must have been gone for Noah to be so broken. The boy hadn't cried for that long in a while. That worried Five. He hurt Noah. He never meant to. He should have held on to his hand tighter.

Five ran his fingers through Noah's hair, stressfully. That always calmed both of them down. Five liked to play with his hair and Noah loved the feeling of his hair being played with. It was perfect for the two of them.

After a while, Five also fell asleep. He was exhausted as well, after all.

(WORDS: 1309)

AN: Hello beautiful people!
I know that it's a short chapter but it's good enough for my first update in ages. I'm sorry that i've been so inactive but i swear i'm gonna update more often now.
i love you all so much <3

-ash :)

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