Chapter 20

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The Hargreeves siblings arrived back home in their limo. The usual crowds surronded their home, cheering, holding up signs, and calling their names.

Noah was shaken awake by Five and he lifted his head off Five's shoulder and spoke quickly, "I didn't stain your pillow with orange juice, it's Luther's fault."

"I knew it was you, anyways." Five muttered. "Come on, sleepyhead, we're home."

Noah rubbed his eyes with his fist, "Ugh, I don't feel like people today." He sighed.

"That makes no sense." Five shook his head, chuckling.

Diego, from the other side of Noah, looked at Five, "Yes, it does."

"I wasn't talking to you, dickhead. Mind your own business." Five shot.

Noah looked at his best friend, "Aw, I think somebody's cranky. Do you need a nap and some warm milk, ya big baby?" He teased.

Five crossed his arms, "No. Shut up."

"Oh, baby's got an attitude."

Five tried his best not to smile at Noah's jokes and looked out the tinted windows at the people, "Stop."

"Do you want your teddy bear, sweet baby boy? Does Fivey want his teddy?" Noah laughed.

Luther turned around from the passenger seat and looked past the middle row and at the backseat where they were, "Five has a stuffed animal?"

"Jesus, always goddamn eavesdropping." Noah muttered under his breath. "No, Luther." He rolled his eyes. Reginald got out of the car and Luther quickly followed his dad's action.

Diego scoffed, "Daddies boy."

Everyone cheered louder when they seen Number One step out. "Spaceboy!" "My favourite!"

Luther waited at the front of the car for Allison, Ben and Klaus were next to get out, then Diego. Five and Noah were the last to get out, as usual.

Five had said something about Reginald before they left the car causing Noah to be laughing hysterically and force Five to hold him up as they walked due to his legs giving out from laughter.

Reginald gave the two a look or dissaproval from the house steps, Five looked at Noah, "Stop, stop, stop, we're gonna get in trouble. Dad is looking."

Noah stopped laughing almost immediately and stood up straight, Five walked ahead of Noah like nothing happened and sent him a smile over his shoulder.

A boy that was wearing a homemade Academy outfit, jumped over the barricade and grabbed Noah's wrist, making him flinch and quietly whimper in pain.

"Excuse me. I'm your biggest fan." The boy told him excitedly.

"I- okay. Please, let go of me." He pleaded quietly. He felt the begin to bleed from the rough fabric of his blazer rubbing against them.

Five turned around to send Noah another smile but his face dropped when he seen Noah's face contorted in pain and the boy gripping him.

Reginald watched as Number Five stormed past him over to the two and grabbed the boy by his blazer, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

"I- he's just my favourite-"

"Do I look like I give a shit? No! Don't. Touch. Him." Five hissed.

Everyone was silent as they watched Five yell at the boy. All eyes were on Noah and Five and he didn't like that one bit. It was fine when everyone was paying attention to his siblings because no one cared about Eight, but now they did, they definitely were paying attention.

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