Chapter 1

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Manik's pov

It's November 4th, a day I have been looking froward to from the past few months. I am finally getting married, yup an eligible bachelor who the world has been linking up with god know who and who not is getting married.

My parents have been after me from the past few years to get married and I was just not having it but then they got tired and just started looking at pictures of girls and all that bullcrap.

Finally after a billion rejections or actually close to it, I finally went to go see this one girl, her name is veebha, she stood out to me because of her attitude, she has confidence, and sass exactly what I like in a girl

People fear me so much that not many have the confidence to tell me what they want but she mm well when I went to dinner at her house she took me to her room and literally told me she wanted to get married asap, why? because she is too good for him which I thought was funny

Ever since then we met every day even if it's for a couple minutes but we would sit and talk in my car. She is so sweet yet very sexy, I introduced her to my friends and they have been getting along very well

Today I get married to her, and I love her. We confessed a couple weeks ago and honestly im so freaking happy

"Manik lets go man" my brother Cabir yelled walking in the room

"Im ready" I said and he smiled

"Manik can I ask you something" he said and as soon as those words came out of his mouth, I knew this was about veebha

Ever since veebha came in my life, Cabir keeps telling me to be careful and observe everything about her but I don't get it. I haven't seen any red flags.


"Manik just listen please"

"Okay what" I asked

"You say you are in love and it's fine, it can be love but from where I am seeing things, she isn't right for you and I shouldn't even be saying this to you but you know I love you and it still isn't too late so im getting this off my chest. Don't marry her Manik please" he said

He has opposed before but never in clear words, but today he literally asked me not to marry her

"Cabir what is wrong with you? I am getting married in an hour and you are saying this"

He looked freaked out and trust me that's unlike cabir

"Im sorry, forget it im so sorry" he said running his hands through his hair

"Cabu stand by me, im about to get married" I said to him and he nodded trying to smile

"Manu, cabu lets go" we heard dad

We both went downstairs but my head wasn't at the right place anymore, I mean I do love her but cabir saying all that shit made me think

I took a deep breath and everything began, we got there, people were dancing at my Barat, we got in the mandap and were waiting for veebha

A few minutes later she walked down and I couldn't take my eyes off her, even though I couldn't see her face because of the dupatta. She sat beside me and the mantras started.

They went on for a while and ever second I saw Cabir's face getting more emotionless to the point where it scared me

I tugged on his Kurta and he sat beside me.

"What's wrong" I asked


"Ap dono uth jayiye phero ka samaar ho gaya hai" the pandit said and we took our pheras

"Yeh vivah sampan hua"

Hearing this eveyrone clapped and gave us blessing while we touched all our elder's feet. The bidayi stared and it was weird because no one cried, not even veebha. Her dupatta was still covering her face.

"Manik go in that car" cabir said and I nodded

We both walked to the car and I helped her sit in the car slipping in beside her.

"Veebha are you okay" I asked

She nodded and now I was confused, this is not the veebha I know

"Veebha look at me" I said and she didn't

I lifted her dupatta up and it wasn't veebha, it was Nandini, veebha's younger sister

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE"I yelled so loud that the driver slammed on the brakes


Tears rolled down her cheek but not a single word was spoken or said, her facial expressions didn't change one bit

I grabbed my phone and called acbir

"Get back to veebha's house now and I mean it cabir" I said and he said okay

The driver didn't need to be told twice because he took a u turn right away.


She didn't say anything jsut stared at her hands which was pissing me off even more.

We reached back within minutes becasue we weren't that far but as soon as we parked what I saw was enough to make my blood boil.

It was veebha kissing druv, my fucking best friend druv. I got out of the car and stomped towards them

"Veebha" I said and she broke her shitty little kiss and looked at me with a smirk

"Aww I thought you'd realize it sooner but you are so dumb manik" she said

"What is this? Tell me it's all a big fucking misunderstanding" I said with hope inside me

"Nope not eve a little bit, you got played manik, you got fucking played. I thought I liked you but nah not when I saw druv, I mean you have the height but druv has passion, he fucks so good manik to the point where I couldn't forget it hence Nandini sitting in the mandap. Have fun with your wife" she said and I felt like I had been beaten up

"Druv" I said looking at him and he gave me a smirk jsut like veebha

"Manik what's wrong" it was cabir

"Fuck this, I will make sure you fucking regret your decision" I said looking at them both

"Manik what is going on" it was mom this time

"I didn't get married to veebha, she fucking cheated on me and also did this shit on purpose"

"Wait a second who did you get married to then" dad asked

"Nandini, my sister" veebha said

I couldn't stand anything else so I stomped my way to the car and opened the door

"Get out" I said to Nandini

"GET THE FUCK OUT NOW BEFORE I DRAG YOU OUT" I screamed and she got out of the car

"Home" I said to the drive and left

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