Chapter 2

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Nandini's pov

Life just hasn't been that amazing for me but I was getting through until veebha di and my parent's forced me to sit in the mandap.

I didn't have a say in anything, I don't even know how old manik is, he would always come around to meet di but I wasn't allowed out in those times so I hadn't even known him well

"Get out" he said coming back to the car after finding out what veebha di had done

I didn't know what to do, if he left me here then where would I go becasue I know my parent's won't take us in. They had clearly said this afternoon I did not belong there and If I come back they will not let me live with them so I had no choice


Seeing no other way out I stepped out of the car and as soon as I did, the car drove away. I didn't have a home, I mean what did I expect anyways. They wouldn't ever let me stay with them once they found out it was me who he married.

I just stood there looking at the car disappear, not much was in my head other than where I would sleep tonight. Remembering that the park close to the house has lights on and a very good uncle guard, I lifted up my lehenga and started walking

"Nandini" I heard a voice making me stop

I turned around to find uncle aunty and cabir bhai.

"Beta kara ja rah ho" aunty asked

I didn't say anything because I didn't know what to say to her

"Sorry" I whispered

"For what" uncle asked

I didn't reply

"Beta it's okay, it's not your fault at all" she said running her hands over my head

I smiled at them a little

"Mom dad you guys go, I will bring her with me" cabir bhai siad

"Be safe" they said and left

"Come on chotu, lets go home" he said

"You don't have to take me home, I know he wanted to marry di so it's okay" I said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Nandini my brother has a hot head, when he gets angry he bursts out like ummm like a little kid who had junk food a day before and has been holding in his poop but finally gets home to the toilet" he said making me giggle

I immediately put my hands over my mouth stoping myself from giggling

"You can giggle" he said chuckling making me laugh

"Ya so like I was saying, manik is like that but me on the other hand, I am cool as a cucumber. I am rocking and fantastic, unfortunately for manik I have all the things girls look for so you know he gets upset" he explained making me laugh

"Sit" he said and I sat in the car

"Nandini whatever happened, we can't change it so lets move on from it. You didn't want this im assuming"

"I didn't" I said

"Can you adjust and give this marriage a try" he asked

"I know nothing about him, nothing about his lifestyle"

"That's all adaptable nandini, what's really bothering you" he asked

"Umm cabir it's not that I don't want to adapt. I would love to trust me. I had to get married one day or another and it's better to be married than being sold or being a baby maker, thats not why im worried"

"Hold on, waht do you mean by sold or a baby maker" he asked

Shittt I let my tongue slip, shit shit shit

"Umm nothing, like I was telling you. Umm I am 19, I don't know how old manik is, I don't know what he wants out of this becasue he didn't seem to want any of it" I said

"He is 24, he is just angry at the moment but that does't excuse his behaviour with you, trust me I will take his case just wait for all the rasams to get over" he said

"You guys believe this" I asked

"Of course, nandu our parents aren't that old thinking people, they believe in all of this. Im sure once we get home which we are they will have manik down too so you guys can enter together and all that" he siad

I looked up and gasped at the size of this house, it wasn't a house, it was a whole ass mansion

"It's not as big as it looks, come on" he said

"Thank you uncle" I siad to the driver who smiled

We walked inside and cabir was right, manik stood there with his eyes bright red and his hands fisted together

"He is an idiot, but he won't do anything" cabir said nudging me closer to manik

I stood beside him adn mom dad did out arti

"Manik pick her up and take her to your room, it's been an eventful day so we can talk more tom" mom said

"What bullshit mom" manik said

"Language and don't instigate me manik" she siad

"I don't believe this marriage mom" he said

"Well start believing it cause she is your wife and might I add prettier and more wise than veebha" ma said kissing my head making me smile

"Manik come on" dad said and he still stood there on his ground

"Manu" this time it was cabir

I squealed a little as he picked me up, I grabbed onto his back and his chest looking up at him but he didn't look down in my eyes.

He carried me to his well our room now and kicked the door behind him shutting it with a noise. I expected him to let me down on my feet but instead he threw me on the couch making me wince in pain from the edge of it hurting my back

"Im gonna make one thing very fucking clear to you, I hate you, I fucking despise you, if I could I would throw you out but because of mom, dad adn cabir I won't. So here is how things work, you are gonna live in here like a fucking maid, im sure your sister would be sad seeing you working like a maid so thats what you'll be. MY FUCKING MAID. Every mistake you make comes with a consequence, and if any of this goes out to the other members you are dead nandini" he spoke so dangerously that I shivered

"Do you understand me" he asked and I nodded

"Good, now get off my fucking couch and on the ground now. Your clothes are somewhere in the closet I don't wanna see them there so get them out. You sleep on the ground, you deserve the fucking ground. You eat what is given to you, nothing more. undestood?" He asked and I nodded again

I got up from the couch and walked to the closet he had pointed out before. I changed into pyjamas and then walked to the bed where manik laid

"Do you have a spare sheet" I asked

"No" his reply came without even fully hearing me

I nodded walking back to the closet, I grabbed a dupatta of mine and stuffed all my clothes in it. I took it to the room and he looked at me with rage but didn't say anything

Taking that as a sign I took my clothes to the bathroom and adjusted them in the small drawers present there so he wouldn't need to look at them plus id have them right in the bathroom.

I grabbed the thickest jacket I owned which wasn't even that thick but whatever. I put it on and walked out to the room, manik was on his phone.

I laid down on the floor rested my head right against the bed frame, I knew It wouldn't be too bad to fall a sleep because but my head hurt a little putting it on the frame so I jsut laid flat on the floor, it was carpeted around the bed well there was a huge carpet so at least I wasn't cold

I don't know why I thought manik wouldn't be this rude, I thought maybe he would be like ma dad and cabir bhai but I guess not. Not letting my thoughts keep me up, I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

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