Chapter 13

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Manik's pov

My meeting ended and I rushed back in the car to head to Nandini's. I was so distracted throughout the meeting thinking about nandini.

She was scared to go back home, and the only reason I had said yes to her mom was becasue mom told me she would have to go back to her house for this rasam so I agreed

She zones out a lot whenever her house, or her parents are the topic of conversation, it makes me wonder why she does this.

Like she could be so happy a second and then the mention of her mom for example would make her sad, its a bit weird but that's why I am rushing back.

I got to her house and I was late, I told her I would be there in a hour or so and it had been about 3 hours becasue of traffic.

I rang the bell, a few seconds later the door opened revealing nandini.

"Im so sorry, I thought I would be back super soon but because of traffic I got late" I rambled on

"It's okay, water?" she whispered

Her eyes weren't looking in mine, her face was mostly covered with her hair since she was looking down

"Nandini what's wrong" I asked

"Nandini who is it" her mom's voice was clear

"Manik" she said

As soon as she said that, her mom was beside her with that fake ass smile again

"Why are you here so early, I thought Nandini is staying over for a few days" she siad

"No actually I can't sleep without her around so I was here to pick her up" I said

"Oh how sweet, nandini get him some water" she said and Nandini nodded

"Hey no, look up at me" I said holding her hand

"Manik chodo na, mai pani lekai ati hu" she said in her shaky voice

"No, we are going home" I said seeing her state

"But manik"

"Aunty please" I said

"Baby go grab your phone and purse for me" I asked and she nodded

She was walking to the couch and my eyes were on her the whole time, her body language wasn't right

Something had happened, I know it, I just need to find out what happened. As she was walking back to me, I couldn't help but notice that she still hadn't looked up to me yet

"Nandini look at me" I said as she reached me

she did not look up, she was nervously playing with her fingers.

"Look up baby" I whispered

"Manik let her be, she is just a little tired" her mom said and that confirmed it

Her expressions were weird like she had been caught or something.

"Manik" it was veebha's irritating voice

I tilted her chin up using my hand and as soon as her eyes met mine, I saw her blood shot eyes.

"Shh come here" I whispered opening my arms

She shoved her face in my chest holding onto the back of my coat, she was crying, I felt it in my chest.

"What happened" I asked looking at her mom

"Oh nothing, she is just emotional because she saw us after a while, right Nandini" she said caressing Nandini's back

I felt nandini's grip tightened on me so I knew they did something.

"Hands off her" I said and her mom stepped back

I looked down and kissed nandini's head gently.

"Come on, let go home" I said and she nodded in my chest

I picked her up in my arms and she didn't even move her face, it was like she was hiding herself in my chest

"Aunty I respect you but if I find out you did something, I'm not gonna think twice before doing something. Just remember that" I said and walked out of there

I opened the door and placed her in the seat but she wouldn't let go of me.

"Nandini I need you to please let go of my coat please, ill sit beside you okay im not going anywhere" I said and she let go of my coat.

I took the coat off and handed it to her, which she covered herself with.

I still couldn't see the right side of her face, her hair was covering it. I sat in the driver seat and turned on the heat cause it was slightly chilly

"Look at me nandini" I said and she did

"What's happening, talk to me please" I said and she just shook her head

I moved her hair from hr face and my anger was rushing through me. Her whole cheek was bright red.

her eyes started tearing up more making me sad. I hate seeing her cry, it makes me feel heavy, like my heart sinks a little

"Shhhh it's okay, tell me what happened" I asked and she didn't say anything

I knew there was a lot in her head so I put my hand on her thigh and she curled up a little holding onto my arms

I started driving but I was constantly caressing her thigh, she wasn't crying anymore she was drawing little circles on my arm

I didn't ask anything further I wanted to be home first. We got home and I knew no one was home other than nandini and I.

I opened her door and picked her up, she didn't argue just laid her head on my chest as I carried her up to our room.

"Go change" I said as I placed her on the bed

She got up and walked to the bathroom to change. I got up and grabbed my phone dailing Cabir's number

"Hello" I said

"Hey, whats up man" cabir answered

"When are you coming back" I asked



"Tom night" he said


"Is she okay" he asked

He knew I was taking her to her mom's today

"Not really, im gonna see if I can make her feel better"

"Have fun" he said

"Be safe and take care of my little munchkin"

"Ya ya" he said laughing

I cut the call and changed in the room. I ordered some dinner for us and a few little deserts as well, hoping it cheers her up

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