Chapter 27

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"I have always gotten this feeling that I was adopted but I never found papers or anything of that sort around the house so I jsut tried believing that im actually their daughter. The weird thing is I have cried so much that at this point I can't even cry more. At this point in life I have accepted the fact that I was flawed so my own parents didn't care about me. You know manik I am younger than veebha di yet there was no love or protectiveness towards me. I don't remember anything actually until like I was 10 or something which is also very weird to me"

"What do you mean by not remembering anything" I asked

"I mean I don't have any memories of my childhood which is also something that makes me think that I am adopted"

"Have you tried asking your parents" I asked

"I did and it was a bad bad thing" she said

"Why so"

"They hit me and locked me up in the room for days so I never had the courage again" she spoke

i couldn't believe it, how can someone treat their own kid or just a child like that.

"Veebha di always had freedom, she would go anywhere she wanted, come back when she wanted but I couldn't even do that, I was home schooled. I was allowed to roam around the house in the night but never in the morning or afternoon because people would come over and stuff. I was not allowed to talk to anyone that would come home especially Di's friends. This one time I was walking around really late at night, remember I told you I saw di making out with people ya that time, the guy came out and saw me roaming around and apparently that was my fault so I was given a punishment. That was the first punishment I had um" she choked up a little

I caressed her thigh gently

"You are okay" I whispered

"They didn't give me food for a week, I was living on water in that room. They locked my room so I couldn't even step out at night. It jsut got worse from there, every time I did something wrong I was given a punishment. You know manik it was fine, I got used to it and jsut accepted that this is how it's gonna be but I was wrong. last year, when veebha di met you and you guys started hanging out that's when it got worse. Do you remember coming to my house to pick up veebha di for a night out or date I can't remember what exactly the plans were"

I remember it because that was the only time I went to there house to pick her up but no one was home that day. I was taking her out to a fancy dinner becasue she wanted to go someplace fancy instead of getting take out.

"Ya I remember"

"That day when di came back she came back with someone else, that guy who she was with after the wedding" she said and I nodded

It was funny that I wasn't hurt at all when she mentioned druv

"I knew it wasn't the guy she was getting married to so after he left which was early morning I walked to her room. I hadn't even said anything but she got pissed because I came to her room. She told our parents when they came back and I had never seen mom getting so mad. Di told her that I was after that guy and that I was hitting on him, hearing this mom and dad both got so upset, but they didn't beat me which was scary to me. Mom took me to a place at night the next day" she stopped as tears rolled down her cheeks

I didn't say anything or stop her from crying becasue she needed to get it out.

"She took me to a brothel, there were so many guys and it was disgusting. She siad that I deserved being at a place where guys were looking at me with lust because I was a slut for wanting someone my sister was with. She didn't take me there just to show me god no. she left me there for two fucking days, I was sitting in a brothel room for 2 days, so many guys made comments and tried touching me but this nice aunty didn't let them touch me. I sat there crying for days and on the third day she came back to get me. She told me I was only a baby maker and that if I ever looked at any guy di wanted I was going back for real and this time for good and to stay"

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