Chapter 14

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nandini stepped out of the bathroom, her hair was up in a ponytail and she was wearing cute pyjamas.

"You look adorable" she gave me a small smile

"No I mean like where did you get these" I asked

"Umm I don't remember" she said

"Children place" I asked and she glared at me

I chuckled a little patting the bed beside me. She came and sat by me.

"Mrs Malhotra are you free tonight" I asked

she nodded

"Then you and I are having a date, out first date"

"Date" she asked

"Yes date, ohh that must be the food. Stay up here Ill be back" I said and she nodded

I jogged down and grabbed the food walking upstairs.

"Okay wifey, put on a show" I said handing her the remote

"Manik" she whispered making me look up from the bed where I was setting up the food

"I can't eat" she said

"Why not? Do you not like pizza? I can order something else or make you something" I said

she just shook her head looking down.

"Come on please, for me, have something" I said and she sighed but sat up properly

I handed her a slice of pizza and put on a tv show but she wasn't into the show, I could tell by her face however she was hooked when I put on tom and jerry.

I handed her a couple more slices and she ate them without fussing

"Cake" I asked and she didn't say anything

I picked up all the leftover and took it downstairs putting it in the fridge. I walked in the room and I knew she was in the bathroom.

"Hey can I come in" I asked knowing she is brushing

"You don't have to ask" she replied

I walked in and started brushing with her beside me. She is so sweet, she waited around until I finished brushing so we could walk in the room together.

She laid down our blankets and sat o top of it. She caressed her chest a little, her face was draining colour making me run to her

"Are you okay" I asked

she ran into the bathroom making me run after her. She fell by the toilet throwing up everything she just ate. I rubbed her back and grabbed onto her hair so it doesn't fall int the toilet.

"It's okay" I whispered when she started crying

She fell back on my chest crying softly.

"Shh shh it's okay" I whispered kissing her head

I grabbed a towel and wiped her lips. she held onto my arm trying to get up so I picked her up and she pointed to the brush.

I made her sit on the slab and she brushed her teeth again. Once she rinsed her mouth, I patted her mouth dry and picked her carrying her to the bed

I placed her on the bed and dimmed our lights, my worries were beyond anything right now.

I opened the mini fridge and grabbed an ice pack then I slipped in the blankets and pulled Nandini to me.

"I know you don't wanna talk but you have been crying so much and I can't watch you just cry so please talk to me, please" I said

hearing me she turned a little laying on her stomach, I pulled her up so she was laying half on me.

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