Chapter 21

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"Then why did you say those things"

"Manik im sorry, I am. It just came out because I was afraid of losing you. In this world there have been two people who I found comfort in, Mumma and you. She left me when my parents fired her. hearing your sentence made me think i was gonna lose you, it wasn't your emotions it was the words you used, I felt scared. Im not justifying my words one bit, im not. I think it was fucking stupid of me to use such words and just yell like that. I am sorry for disappointing you and ruining such a beautiful night for us, please forgive me please, I am sorry. I promise I will never do it again, I swear"

he put his hands out to me and I heard onto his hand, he sighed and I saw his face soften up a little.

I knew he wasn't angry anymore so I scouted closer to him sitting in-between his legs. I left his hands and placed them on his chest caressing softly

"I understand what I said was wrong. It hurt you a lot and I see that, but I promise you that I will never say something like that again. It wasn't even my real emotions, it was the fear that spoke. Do you think you can forgive me?" I asked

His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer

"This was the best day of my life, actually this whole week has been the best for me because you were here. I feel warm and nice with you, I feel like I can be myself and not have to put this wall and be strong all the time. Sure I called this our honeymoon but I didn't mean it in a we will have sex because if I wanted to force you or just use you, I would have the very first night. I understand that you had that fear but I never wanna hear such words from you ever again. I love you Nandini, I love you more than I like myself. It wasn't just sex for me, it was love, it was pure estasty for me"

I felt ashamed for using such words for him.

"Hey don't look down like that. Mistakes happen I understand that, jsut promise you will talk to me instead of bursting out like that" he said caressing my face

"I will I pinky promise, forgive me please"

"You are forgiven my lady" he said with a small peck on my lips

"Pakka" I asked and he nodded

A smile broke out on my face, I even grinned which made him chuckle

"You are a child" he said

"Hey I am 20 years old" I said

"20" he sounded confused


"But last month you said you were 19, when is your birthday"

"I don't know, I just know it's in April"

"What do you mean you don't know"

"I don't know" I repeated

"Well when were you born"

"Who knowns man, can I ask you something"

He nodded and I smiled at him

"Couple things, one this bath is getting cold and two im starving" he laughed hearing me

"You are one hell of a person my love" he said laughing

"I love you Manik" I whispered

"I love you so much more nandini" he kissed my lips gently pulling back

"Hehe manik" I giggled when he moved his hand to my butt tracing a little with his fingers

He got up with me in his arms and turned the shower on, he placed me on my feet and adjusted it to warm. Once it was warm he kissed my head and stepped out making me grab his arms

"Come back" I whined

"Give me a second" he said chuckling

I watched him clean up the bathtub and then hob back in the shower cling the shower door

"Still sore" he asked rubbing shower Gell on my body"

"Nope" I said


"Yes sir"

he rinsed me off, then I put shower Gell on his back and shoulder. we talked a little in the shower while I washed my hair too. It was so cute, I love how sweet and pampering he is with me.

Turning the shower off he stepped out and got us clothes and towel. He handed me a towel and I dried myself.

I wrapped the towel around my body and he wrapped it around his hips and I kid you not he looked so fucking sexy.

"Ill bring our clothes" I said and he shook his head

"I got them" he said grabbing them from the slab

He handed me underwear and his t shirt, I didn't care honestly.

"Ahh manik seriously" I yelled when he picked me up in his arms

"Get used to it babe" he said cheekily

"You don't have to carry me"

"I want to" he said

He placed me on the bed and I blushed looking at the state of the room, my bra and thong were gone like I couldn't see them but our clothes were all over the floor.

I got up and started picking up our clothes

"Hey sit your ass down, ill do that" he said getting off the phone

He was ordering us food cause boy had I grown an appetite

"It's okay" I said picking up our clothes

I found my thong and bra under the bed, how well I don't know

"Baby sit down" he said and I put out clothes in the laundry basket and sat on the bed

He walked over to me falling on the bed beside me

"Can I tell you something" he asked

"Of course"

"You are amazing"


"What huh"


"What we just did a bit ago, it was amazing, you are amazing and I swear I will never forget this moment"

I blushed hearing him, I didn't think he would say something like that.

"Oh don't blush like that you naughty little minx"

"Hey im not"

"You are, trust me I didn't know you were this bold but I did enjoy every bit of it even the screams" he teased

"Manik" I shyed away

"I love you so much" he whispered putting his arm in my lap

"I love you more"

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