Chapter 32

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"Ma asked me to wear a black Saree tonight so im not wearing a dress, jsut wanted to let you know" I said

"You aren't coming with me"

"I didn't ask you manik, I was telling you" I said walking into the bathroom

I took a really long shower, like hours just crying, he had hurt me a lot and this wasn't just becasue he yelled at me, the words he used were beyond hurtful.

Putting on my big girl pants, I got out of the shower and dressed up, I kept my hair in a lose low bun and jsut wore heels with the Saree.

I came out of the bathroom to see manik ready as well, he didn't look guilty which hurt me a lot more.

"I will see you there" I said

"God not this drama, jsut get in the fucking car" he said

"No" I told him

"GET IN THE GOD DAMN CAR NANDINI" he screamed making em shiver

It reminded me of my parents screaming at me.

I got in the car without another word, the whole ride there was silent and I didn't give two shits anymore, I was hurt and that was it.

Once we got there, I grabbed onto his hand unwillingly becasue media was there and fake smiled my way through, once we got in, bhai came up to us right away

"Choti tu this hai"

"Ji Bhai"

"What did he say" he asked looking at manik

"You should ask him bhai" I said


"Don't" he said walking away

"Nandini wahts wrong" he asked seeing me tear up

"Umm nothing bhai"

"Bhai ko ni batayegi" he asked

"He thinks I love harshad jsut becasue he walked in on me saying me being in love, when I was about to say me being in love with harshad is impossible becasue I am in love with manik, but he didn't listen" I said as he wiped my tears

"Ill talk to him" he said

"Don't bhai" I said

"What do you mean, he is an idiot"

"It's fine, this party is important, I will deal with it and you know na we can solve this"

"I know but"

"Than it's okay"

"I trust you chotu, and so does he, he is jsut angry at the moment"

"I know" I said and he smiled

The rest of the party everyone was mingling and I just sat in a corner for most of the time because I felt faintish, I felt like I was gonna throw up.

The party wrapped up and gia had fell a sleep on me, I gave her to bhabhi and bhai while they kissed my head. I walked to the car and got in.

Manik didn't open my door not that I expect him to but he always does but whatever. He started driving and this silence was painful, it wasn't peaceful anymore.

When we got home and I quickly changed, not a single word was said from him side but neither did i.

I grabbed some food for him since I noticed him only having soft drinks at the party. I put the plate in front of him on the bed.

"I don't want it" he said

"Thats okay, you can go put it back than" I said

He actually got up and walked downstairs. Seeing his behaviour towards me my stomach churned as I ran into the bathroom throwing up everything I had eaten this morning.

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