Chapter 19

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"Nandini stop me because I swear if I move ahead, im not gonna be able to stop" he whispered kissing down my cleavage

"Umm hmm"

"Words" he said again

God this man is so infuriating sometimes

"I don't want you to stop, not now, not ever just please"

His hands moved down to the hem of my thong making me lean into his touch. He moved his hand down tracing my core over the thong making me squirm under him.

He smiled against my cleavage as he removed his hands from down there, he unclasped my bra and threw it, he threw it so hard I couldn't see it on the floor anywhere.

He gripped my boobs in his hands and twirled his tongue over my nipple making me gasp as the sensation. It was warm yet cold when he blew air on my sensitive buds.

"Manik" it came out like a moan which only made him squeeze my other boob as he sucked on my right one.

He paid equal attention to both of my boobs sucking and blowing air, I wa going crazy, I have never in my life felt so much pleasure and he was jsut getting started.

He moved up kissing my lips softly pulling back. He wrapped his arm around my back moving me up slightly

He kissed my stomach moving down to my thighs pressing soft kisses down my legs. He gripped my thighs kissing the inside making me move a little becasue I felt this ache down there.

He kissed all of me except where my thong was and I was moving so much which was irritating him a little I could tell but the pleasure of those soft kisses made it hard not to move. Also it was such a foreign feeling to me.

"Stop moving baby" he whispered kissing my inner thigh

"Manik please"

He looked up at me and seeing me like that he smiled sitting back a bit, his fingers tugged the hem of my thong as he slid it down my legs throwing it.

All of a sudden I was conscious of what I looked like, of what he might think of me causing me draw my legs in but he gripped my legs pulling me

"Don't ever hide your beautiful self from me, I don't about the insecurities in your head, just let me look at you" he whispered looking in my eyes

Every word he said was true because his eyes never lie to me, he truly was admiring me in my most vulnerable state.

His thumb gently traced over my clit making me jump but his grip on my thigh stopped me from completely moving away from him.

It was such a weird but like nice feeling, he knew exactly what he was doing, he knew how bad I wanted him.

He lifted himself up and hovered over my face while his thumb was doing wonders

"Just relax okay" he said kissing my lips

I nodded and he moved down again, I wasn't sure what his next move but all of a sudden I felt his warm breath over my clit making me grab his arms that were holding my thighs

"You taste so good baby" he whispered and his words made me shiver a little

As his tongue flicked over my slits I closed my eyes. His thumb never stop drawing circles against my clit and the combination of his tongue and his thumb was so quick to make me feel this knot in my stomach

"Manik I holly fucking shit" I screamed before I could ever tell him what I feeling

I knew I had my first orgasm, i squirmed trying to move out of his hold but he didn't let me, I felt my legs shaking.

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