Chapter 9

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"did they force you" I asked again

She was very hesitant on if she should say yes or not but I had already gotten my answer.

"Why did they" I asked

"They didn't" she said

"Don't lie to me, I hate liars" I said and fear reflected on her face

I realized my tone was really harsh

"Im sorry, I do not like when people lie to me, it pisses me off" I said

She nodded fidgeting with the teddy bear

"Veebha di didn't wanna sit in the mandap last minute so mom asked me to" she said

I could tell she was hiding something, there had to have been something else that pushed her to not even argue

"And you did it" I asked and she nodded

"Nandini, there had to have been something they did or said that caused you not to argue and just sit right" I asked and she nodded but then shook her head

"Yes or no" I asked


"I won't do anything, I just wanna know" I asked caressing her face

"Mumma said they would sell me to a brothel or marry me to someone who will use me just for a baby" she said looking down

I couldn't believe what she said, her mother said that to her. How fucked up do you have to be to say that to your daughter like what the actual fuck

"I said yes so that maybe it won't happen, I didn't wanna go to a brothel, it is a scary place" she said clutching her teddy bear

"Have you seen a brothel" I asked her and she nodded

This was way deeper than I thought, this is beyond anything, hold up how old is she.

"How old are you" I asked

"19" she said and my eyes widened

"Im not that young, you are just old" she said seeing me shocked

"I umm I am not saying you are too young, how do you know what a brothel looks like" I asked

"Im hungry" she said

"Should I come with" I asked and she shook her head

I moved my hands from her face and she hopped down the bed, she put her teddy on the bed and walked outside.

I laid down with my hand under my head just thinking about life, about nandini.

I can't believe this, she has been to a brothel, I know she has, I can see it in her eyes. This is so messed up, she is fucking 19 and threatening her like that to cover up for their mistakes is beyond fucked up

I need to talk to veebha, she has been texting me non stop about how she misses me and all that, like okay bitch I know you realized you fucked up because I just launched a huge project

I told her she would regret this and guess what, she fucking is and I'll make sure she regrets it for the rest of her life.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard Nandini's chuda, she still wears it and its so beautiful on her. I had always knew in the back of my head that she is beautiful but my anger and the betrayal stopped me from admitting it all

I looked at the door to find her walking in with a bowl in her one hand and chips int he other hand.

she was grinning so hard that I couldn't help but smile at her, she kicked the door with her leg shutting it and walked to the side of the bed

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