Chapter 25

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We walked to our car and I opened the door for her, she slid in muttering a thank you and I got in the driving seat.

"Kya hua meri jaan ko" I asked caressing her thigh

"Meko ajeeb sa lag raha hai" she whispered

"Talk to me, tell me what's wrong" I asked seeing how drained she looked

"I don't feel good, can we go home please" she whispered

"Come here Jaan" I said opening her belt

She looked at me like I was crazy

"Come on" I said

She took her bag off her shoulder and climbed over the arm rest. I pushed my seat back making room for her.

She sat in my lap looking at me curiously, I know I could have waited till home but the colour of her face drains so fast that it's scary.

"Whats wrong" I asked caressing her hair

She rested her head on my chest

"Everyone will see us"

"Windows are tinted baby and even if they weren't I wouldn't care"

"I feel like I am gonna throw up"

"And that's okay, if you need to throw up then we can either stop or you can just throw up in the car, thats fine" I said caressing her back

"It's so sad Manik" she whispered

"I know jaan, people are inhumane and I understand what you are going through and I get that you are upset at what we witnessed today, but ruining your health because of it isn't good. Nandini the world isn't fair, people are fucked up in this world and thats just how this world works. You did the right thing by trying to find her mother and thinking of adopting her was very pure and a nice gesture"

I explained to her but she just shook her head in my arms

"Its messed up that people will have sex but when they have daughters they throw them away like nothing. It takes 9 months for a little one to be brought to life and to throw her away like that, snatching her form her mother who the hell does that" she cried

I knew this wasn't just about this incident, there was something more in her head and honestly it sometimes scares me to know whats in her head or the things that happened in the past.

Im not scared cause it will make me feel different, im scarred that she went through something bad that I couldn't prevent.

"Shh honey you are okay" I whispered kissing the top of her head

I wanted to stay still but I knew it would be better to get home so we can lay down and talk about this.

"Manik" she cried

"Its okay jaan, it's over, she is with her family and I have my family with me" I said kissing her cheek

she looked up at me and chewed on her lips just trying to ask what I mean by family indirectly without even using words

"You, I mean you. I have you in my arms adn thats all I need" she nodded in response

"Samezies" she whispered making me chuckle

I pulled my seat forward a little and put the seat belt on her and I. She tried getting up but I tightened my hold turning the car on


"But how will you drive" she asked

"Magic" I whispered pecking her lips

"Umm more" she said when I pulled back

i gave her a few more kisses smiling, she is adorable, I love her so freaking much.

"Would you wanna have a lazy day in tommorow" I asked as I started driving

"I would but you have work"

"Not tomorrow, it's my last day off"

"Then yes please, can we make yummy food"

"Of course whatever my jaan wants"

She cuddled in my chest making me smile

"Oh darling what would I do without you"

"Nothing" she said giggling

"Hey" I tried sounding offended, I was not though

"Sachii, you can't find your wallet o and files, boy are you a mess"

"Mess" I asked chuckling

"Umm hmm messy messy. Not in a cluster surrounding way but in your head. You form these sentences that make no sense and are messy when you get stressed"

"I know princess, but you handle me so well"

"You know what mani"

"What baby" I asked caressing her hair while driving with the other hand

"Hey hands on the wheel"

I chuckled hearing her

"Babe im driving the slowest I can go without staying still"


"Okay ma'am"

"So like I was saying guess what"

"What baby"

"I love you the most" I smiled at the confession

"I love you so much more"

"Im sad"

"Why jaan"

"I will miss the little baby"

"I know sweetie, but it's for the best right. You are so young and you need to explore more, we need to go on our honeymoon"

"Wait wait, we just went on our honeymoon"

"That was the first one, I mean our regular vacation/ honeymoon things"


"Yes, we have so much to explore and im not saying that with a baby it would be hard because it won't be and if we couldn't find her parents then we would be fine adopting her too"

"I guess you are right, you know I saw a bit of me in her"

"How so"


"Jaan talking helps, I may not have a solution but talking to me may help you feel lighter"

as we reached the parking garage, I parked and nandini looked up at me.

"I will tell you jsut give me some time"

"Of course darling, thing your time"

She leaned up and kissed my lips softly, gripping the back of her head I deepened the kiss. She was scared, I could feel it in her body language, her kiss was just a proof of that.

i pulled her closer as her hands rested on my chest pulling on my t shirt a little. I bit her lip gently causing her to moan in my mouth and if thats not the best fucking noise I have heard, gosh.

"Jeezzz" she mumbled panting when I pulled back

"Come on" I said taking the belt off

I carried her to the entrance of the house, where I had this lock installed that had our fingerprints to open it.

"Woahhhh is that like a finger print thing" she asked

"Yess ma'am it is"

"Woahh manik this is like a palace" she whispered as we entered

"It is not sweetheart, so we have a few rooms just in case someone comes over to stay you know"

"You are such a good designer sweet" she whispered

"So you like it" I asked walking up to our room

"Like it, dude I freaking love this, you got me a book shelf" she chirped wiggling in my hold

I let her down and she went around touching everything while I stood there admiring her.

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