Chapter 17

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We landed and headed towards out villa, it was still dark outside becasue it was 3 in the morning there but I could hear the water.

Manik had gotten us a water villa which was so cool, but since it was still early morning I didn't wanna explore much especially cause Manik was still sleepy

He wheeled our suitcase in the closet thing and left it there. I had our night clothes in the handbag I had so I gave him his and took mine. We changed and Manik went straight to the bed. He fell on the bed making me chuckle

"Call ma and let her know" I said

"You texted na" he asked

"I did"

"Then leave it" he said

I shook my head at him, grabbing my phone I sat on the bed while Manik turned the tv on.

"Hello" I said calling ma who picked up on the first ring

"Hi mera racha, did you guys reach" it was papa

"Ji papa, how are you guys" I asked

"Good, your ma has gone crazyyyy, she keeps buying more clothes" he complained

"She needs them papa, don't you guys have to fly tonight"

"We do but this lady has way too many clothes" he said

"Not really"

"She is taking 4 suitcase with her stuff and I have one" he said making me laugh

"Who are you talking to" Manik asked tugging on my top


"Give me" he said so I handed him the phone

"You guys set to go" he asked

As he talked to papa, I scrolled through a bunch of things on the tv and put on a random movie

"Okay bye yes love you too dad" he said cutting the call and putting the phone on the bed in between us

"You know this is supposed to be our honeymoon right" he asked

"Yes I am aware sir"

"Then focus on me man, not on the tv or novels. Keep your focus clear" he said taking the remote

"I am focused on you" I said sliding down in bed beside him

"You are not" he said

"Okay im sorry, I apologize" I said laying on my stomach

He pulled me closer to him and kissed my nose.

"You have this umm I don't know, this side to you that I have yet to explore" he said pulling me, I was caged in his arms

"And what side may that be" I asked with my hand caressing his face

"Umm I don't know you have this glint in your eyes at times, and im not sure what its about. I know it's there when you look at me, not always but sometimes" he said rubbing my lower back

He has a habit of rubbing my back when we are laying down like this. Especially when im on my period he will massage my back because he knows I am in pain.

"What glint" I asked

"It's not innocent ill tell you that" he said making me chuckle

"And when did I say I was innocent"

"Well you see that's one of my favourite qualities about you"

"What is" I asked

"Your innocence is not fake and I love that"

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