Chapter 34

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She pulled the blankets all the way up to her chin and was about to lay down

"No not yet, you just ate, give It a couple minutes"

"Im fine"

"I can see that but just give it a few minutes" I said sitting beside her

She disregarded what I said and tried slipping down in bed but I grabbed the back of her neck shaking my head at her.

"I know you are upset at me, you have every right to be but don't play with you health like that"

"Why do you care" she said

"I care, you know I do"

"That care wasn't there last night ill tell you that" she taunted

"I was angry and"

"I wasn't asking for excuses but I will tell you this manik, you made me feel like shit, oh and trust me it hurt more than you can ever imagine" she said

"I know"

"Right of course you do"

"Nandini can you please hear me out" I asked

"No" came her reply

"Please Nandini" I said tightening my hold on her

She moved away from my hold causing me to move my hand from her neck. it hurt seeing her rejecting my touch, but I tried again by placing my hand on her cheek but she leaned back in the opposite direction so I moved my hand away

"Please hear me out, it is my fault and"

"I said no"

"Jaan please"

"Don't you dare call me that, not just that don't call me anything, clearly I meant nothing to you for you to let me suffer like that. To watch me in pain but act like nothing was wrong so now get away from me and I mean it manik. If you want me to live here with you do not come near me or im going back to bhai's house" she siad

I got up from her stumbling back a little at her words, she was right, I had let her suffer adn gave her pain but the fact that she didn't want me near her was hurting me a lot.

"Im sorry" I whispered

I grabbed my laptop bag from the dresser where she had kept it after I threw it last night along with some files.

"It's hard to forgive me I know but please don't go away, I won't come near you promise, nandini promise but please don't leave me" I whispered before walking out of the room

I put my stuff down in the study and walked to the gym that was in the house. I worked out for hours crying, when I couldn't cry physically I just sat there on the bench catching my breath

I showered in the guest room and put on a random t shirt and sweats that were in the guest room, I had kept it there cause my closet was kinda messy at the moment and nandini said to keep it in there.

I walked to the study and started working on some files, it was 7 in the evening when I went downstairs to make food for nandini and I. I made some fried rice and chicken, plating it I took it upstairs and found nandini watching tv in out room

"You need to eat, I have a pill for you and some juice" I said putting it on the table

She sat up so I put the food on the bed and sat a little far away, I lifted the spoon up to feed her

"Don't, I can feed myself" she said

"I can"

"I said don't"

I nodded and got up from the bed walking out of the room, she didn't wanna be in my presence and I understood that so I sat outside the room leaning on the walls tears made their way down my cheeks again and I couldn't help it.

I peaked in to see her eating slowly, she even took the pill and was sipping on her juice. Once I saw she had eaten I got up and went inside to grab the plate

"I can do it" she siad

"I know you can"

I took the plate downstairs and cleaned up. my appetite was gone, I didn't feel like eating at all so I jsut went back in the office and worked on some files.

It has been 3 weeks since then, nandini and I haven't talked much if any. Every morning I go to work, I try focusing on work adn distracting myself from everyhting, when I get home I have a protein bar or something small and a coffee.

I go to our room to see nandini either sleeping, watching tv or just sketching and then I grab my clothes shower and go to the study to work more.

Every night I come back in the room when she has slept, I sit by the door and fall a sleep leaning on the door, I wake up before her and then repeat this all.

I have not had a proper meal since the past 3 weeks, not because nandini doesn't cook but because I jsut can't eat, there is this pit in my stomach.

At this point there are no more tears that could fall down my cheeks, they have even dried up. Im not sure what to do, I tried talking to her but she jsut repeats the same thing, telling me not to come close to her or she will leave the house.

I have never experienced pain like this, i would rather die in a heart beat than experience what im experiencing right now. It feels like getting stabbed through the heart every single fucking day.

I was sitting in the office when the door opened, i looked up to see cabir standing there.


"You fucking idiot, what is going on with you huh"


"Manik you look like shit man, what is going on"

"I still look better than you ever will" he chuckled hearing me

Finally a chuckle was heard in this house god damn it has been a while.

"Manik what is it, I thought you would have solved it by now" he said

I sighed and leaned back as he sat down

"I tried, I wanted to explain to her what harshad and done in the past to me but every time I go close to her to explain she tells me not to come close or she will leave to go live at your house so what am I supposed to do. I can't live without her and ya im hurting but so is she, I tried cabir and I just don't have the energy anymore. At this point death jsut seems so much better than living in this pain"


"I am cabir but she is my strength and these 3 weeks I have had nothing, my life, my heart, my soul, my strength everyhting belongs to her, she is my lifeline so what the hell am I supposed to do"

"Talk to her"

"And risk her leaving absolutely not"

"Nandini" we heard navy's voice

"Gia is here too" I asked

"She fell a sleep on the way so I have her in the guest room"

"So what is navya yelling about" I asked

"No idea, lets go look" he said and I nodded

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