Chapter 22

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"Room service" we heard

Manik go up and grabbed us food, he ordered pizza and coke and a cupcake for me which is so sweet of him.

He put it in front of me and I backed up a little to make room for the food and him. We ate while we talked, after eating we both brushed and were now lying down in bed.

My head rested on his chest, his left hand was laying on my stomach while his other hand caressed my hair.

"Hey can I ask you something" I asked

"Umm hmm"

i flipped on my stomach laying my chin on his chest looking up at him

"So this is like a regular thing right" I asked

"What is" he asked

"Us making love"

"Yup only if you would be comfortable" he said

"So comfortable" I said and he chuckled

"I mean your screams, and moans were enough to tell me how I was but how was it. I know it was your first time"

"It was but gosh im glad I waited. Call me a slut but you are so good at what you do, you knew exactly what to do if that makes sense"

"Don't ever call yourself that"

He sounded so serious


"I am your husband not a one night stand"

"I know"

"Then don't ever call it being a slut"

"I won't jeez"

"Nandini it's not funny"

"Im sorry mani" I said caressing his cheek

i kissed his lips a couple times making him smile

"So like I was saying I noticed that you used a condom and woah don't get me wrong I am all for protection and all but I am clean you already knew that, you haven't done anything in 7 months so im sure you are clean as well"

"Yes" he siad playing with my hair

"What yes"

"Well finish that thought"

"I jsut wanna know why you used it"

"Couple reasons, wasn't sure if you would be comfortable with me not using one, also protection isn't jsut for stds, you are 20 baby im not sure if you are ready to have a child. If you don't want us to use one we dont have to" He explained and I got all his points

"Im okay with whatever"

"You know what"

"Chicken butt" I siad

"You little" he tickled me

"Ahahaha manik no please"

"Wanna act smart again" he asked tickling me

"Hey nandini Malhotra is already smart"

"She has a smart mouth too"

"She does" I said and he chuckled

"Mr Malhotra keep those hands in check" i said feeling him caressing my butt

"Shh" he said making me chuckle

I looked up in his eyes and he kissed my nose

I laid my head down on his face closing my eyes, I was kinda exhausted

"You wore me out" I whispered

He laughed so loud, his whole chest rumbled making me smile

"Night wifey"

"Night manik" I whispered

I closed my eyes, I felt him move me from his face to his chest and the warmth of the blankets and his arms engulfed me.

"I love you nandini" is the last thing I heard which made me cuddle closer to him

The next morning was so pretty, I had woken up because manik stirred in sleep. I peaked out of the balcony and saw the sun coming up, we had slept kinda early I think well maybe.

I looked at manik to see him peacefully a sleep without his blanket, he always kicks it away In sleep.

I covered him and kissed his lips lightly getting up. I walked to the balcony and saw the sun coming up and clouds covering the hotel.

It was so beautiful, I loved every bit of that sunrise. I felt Manik's arms wrap around me making me jump a little but I relaxed into his touch

"Kya kar rahi ho" he asked in that husky deep sleepy voice

"Manik see the sunrise na its so pretty and the way the clouds are under us" I showed him

"I know my love, that's why i had it built so high" he said

"You" I asked leaning away a little

"It's one of my hotels"

"You are good at your work" I said

"Maybe" he whispered

"You are so handsome" I said pecking his lips

He moved his face closer to my neck cuddling in my neck, I felt his lips on my neck making me smile a little

"Come back to bed Jaan, im still sleepy"

"Okay come on" I said and we walked back to the room

I laid down and manik laid down beside me with his head on my chest.

He bit my nipple over the t shirt I was wearing making me scream a little


"Sorry, it was tempting" he said cuddling closer

I ran my hands through his hair and he fell back a sleep. I fell back a sleep too and when I woke up again to find Manik still sleeping on my chest

I grabbed my phone yawning to see it was 10 in the morning, I caressed his back jsut laying there, I noticed these nail marks on his back making me blush

After what felt like a long time, I moved manik's head from my chest to a pillow. I showered and cleaned up the room a bit since it was a god dman mess since last night

I ordered us breakfast and sat beside Manik.

"Hey it's time to wake up" I said caressing his hair

He stirred a little and moved his head on my lap from the bed

I couldn't help but think about all the hickeys he had left on me, when I was showering I had found a trail of them on my inner thigh and a couple on my boobs.


he hummed

"You have to get up"

"No, we go home tom and I am not gonna get time with you so let me sleep, you come sleep too" he siad

I chuckled at his response but I know he is right so I didn't force him to wake up. At home, gia wakes him up a lot and its so cute so I never stop her.

The whole day we just cuddled and watched a movie.

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