Chapter 5

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A few months were gone now and every single day manik made me sleep on the floor which I was getting habituated to, he woke me up in the middle of the night to make him food but he never eats it.

There were a few times where he pushed me becasue apparently I was too close to him and the last time it happened which was a couple days ago, I ended up breaking a photo frame by accident cause I tried grabbing onto something to stop falling

Glass from the frame stabbed my arm making it bleed, but it wasn't too deep and it was healing now.

Manik started going to office a couple days after our wedding, he would go early, come in late, yell at me and tell me how useless I am adn than repeat.

This morning I woke up a little late so I didn't have time to shower before manik but after left I showered and made my way downstairs

"Nandini beta manik forgot his lunch will you please go give it to him" ma asked as I walked in the kitchen

"Give it to him where"

"His office, the driver will take you"

Even though I didn't want to, I nodded. I grabbed his lunch and then my phone walking into the car, driver uncle drove me to this huge building

It's weird because I never knew where manik worked, there was a huge board above the building saying 'MALHOTRA INDUSTRIES'.

"Thank you uncle" I said and he smiled

I walked inside to be greeted by a receptionist.

"Hi how can I help you" she siad

"Hi, umm can I please see manik"

"Do you have an appointment" she asked

"No" I said

"He is busy right now but he should be free in a bit, if you wanna wait you can" she said

"Thank you" I said walking to the little seating area

I sat there for only a couple minutes when I saw bhai making me excited

"Bhaiii" I yelled and the receptionist glared at me making me mumble a sorry

He turned around and waved at me asking me to come over, I looked at the receptionist and she nodded seeing it's bhai asking me to come

"Bhaiii how are you"

"Fantastic now that I have seen you, what's up" he asked side huggi me

"Nothing just gotta give that monster his lunch, ma asked" I siad and he chuckled lightly

"Chal ill show you his cabin" I nodded walking with him

"So whats happening" I asked and he grinned

"Gia's birthday party" he said and I frowned

"That was 3 days ago" I said

"Ya but the cake is left and im so excited" he siad making me laugh

One thing about bhai is he is a crackhead like me, we literally bond over weird ass things like umm like kids tv shows.. Bhai likes car shows and I like spongebag and Patrick.

His phone rang making me stop walking since he grabbed it from his pocket

"Umm ya okay umm ill be there" he siad

"Bhai it's okay go, jsut point me in the direction" I siad

"Sorry chotu, it's something important, umm just go straight and it's on the right. It is the only one in the hallway. He might not hear you knock so jsut walk in"

"Thank you bhai" I siad and he ran somewhere

I made my way down the hallway and saw his name on the cabin door. I knocked but there was no reply so I opened the door just like bhai had said

As soon as the door opened the lunch box slipped out of my hands seeing the scene in front of me. A girl was in manik's lap, his laptop was turned off.

His eyes met mine and he was trying to convey something but I didn't care, I took a deep breath gulping back my tears, I picked up the lunch box and walked inside

"Who the fuck are you" the girl asked

I didn't wanna look at her or him.

I placed the lunch box on the table adn opened it up for him

"Ma sent this" I said

"Nandini" he said, his voice softer than it ever has been

He got up making the girl fall, she got up and walked to me

"Who are you" she asked

I didn't reply because she is no one to me and on the other side I know they are about to have a lauch party for a project  where our wedding news is also being announced but im not even sure if thats something that will happen, not after today

"Ahhhh" I screamed when she grabbed onto my arm exactly where the glass wound was

"Who the fuck are you" she repeated her question

"Leave me" I said wiggling trying to get her to leave my arm

"Btich answer my question" she said

I looked up to manik and he didn't say anything, he was looking at me but I didn't care anymore.

"Leave my fucking arm right now" I said and she tightened her hold

"Ohh she talks, manik who is she" she asked

I felt tears treating to fall from my eyes, and the pain I was feeling was beyond this physical hurt

"Leave my arm" I said again and she didn't

"I am his wife now leave my arm" I said and she did

I turned around walking out of the cabin

"Nandini" I heard manik but I didn't stop

I ran out of there and walked, just walked to the beach by the house. I sat down on the shore for hours jsut thinking about life

I had already texted ma asking if I could go to the beach before coming home and she agreed. I sat there even after the sun set, the wind was getting colder so I walked back home.

There was a note at the dining table from ma saying her and dad are out for a few days until the launch party and bhai and bhabhi along with gia are out for dinner.

I walked up to the room and found manik sitting on the bed, seeing me he got up and walked to me

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