Chapter 36

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Nandini's pov

I held him in my arms whispering a sorry in his ear as he cried in my neck. I teared up seeing him crying, these past 3 weeks were hell but I forgot that it wasn't jsut me who was suffering, he was suffering even more

I have never seen Manik cry and he wasn't jsut crying, he was wailing scaring me at the amount of damage I had done without even realizing it.

i had the right to be angry but I should have never dragged it, bhai and bhabhi were right, he was so weak and broken but I looked past it.

Many days he came home early and made me dinner, he would clean the dishes, I saw him sleeping by the door every night which is why I turned to face him until he slept.

Once he would sleep I would sleep on the floor watching him, he doesn't know but I woke up every day before him and laid down on the bed so he wouldn't know.

I have made food every day but most of the time I would give it to kids on the street because I wasn't eating and neither was he, we both hurt and I wasn't gonna let us hurt anymore

His words and actions hurt me yes, but it isn't worth the pain im giving him or to myself.

"Shhh it's okay" I whispered rubbing his back

'I can't live without you nandini, I can't" he hiccuped in between his sobbing

"And you don't have to, I can't live without you either"

I scouted back and pulled him a little making him lay down on me, his face still in my neck soaking my t shirt with his tears

"im sorry Manik, im so sorry please don't cry. I promise it won't happen again. Please don't cry"

"I can't live without you" is the only thing he kept saying

"It's okay, jsut breath. Im right here please just breath" I said seeing how much he was hiccuping


"Manik shhh jsut breath please"

"I can't I"

"You are okay, try matching your breathing with mine, you can feel my breathing right" he nodded slightly in my neck

"Follow it baby, deep breath in and deep breath out" I said caressing his back

His hands grabbed onto the back of my t shirt tighter as he followed my breaths. It took him a few minutes to catch up but when he did he relaxed into my touch.

His breathing got back to normal but he was still sniffling in my neck.

"Will you listen to something I say" I asked and he nodded

"I am very sorry that I dragged this out instead of talking it out, you made a mistake and I made a mistake but it's over. I promise you that we will always be together and we will talk everything though okay. mistakes happen and it's done with now. You and I are still together and we always will be. We have lost 3 weeks and I don't wanna lose any more time with you. I don't care about it at all anymore, it's over do you understand that" I asked and he nodded

"Don't ever cry like that, it breaks my heart seeing you crying" I whispered kissing his ear

"I thought it was over, I thought I would lose you but if I did na I wouldn't wanna live, id rather die then live without you"

"Shh don't speak about bad things like that and I would never leave you. Im sorry that I put you through so much but I promise to make it up to you"

he sniffled in my neck

"I love you Manik, you know I love you so much"

"I love you more" he whispered nodding

"Shh stop crying"

"Will you make me that milkshake you make" he asked making me laugh

"Milkshake seriously"

"Yes, tumnai bola na Abhi"

"Kya bola" I asked

"Meko bhook lagi hai tum kuch bana do na please"

"Kya khaogai Batao"

"Kuch bhi tumharai hath ka"

"Pasta" I asked knowing it's his favourite

"Yes please" he said in my neck

I ran my fingers through his hair and he cuddled closer to me, it has been so long since I felt this peaceful with him in my arms.

"Sweet you'll fall a sleep" I said

"Im sleepy too"

"And we can sleep but don't you wanna help me in the kitchen" I asked

"I do"

"Then come on get up and lets go"

He moved his face back from my neck. His face was wet from him crying so much, I lifted my hands up wiping his face.

leaning down he pecked my lips and then my cheeks.

We got up and walked to the kitchen, he sat up on the counter and I put the pasta to boil. I felt back at peace like it was our normal self. I felt like shit for hurting him for so long and hurting myself in the process too but especially him.

"Im sorry that I used those words" he whispered looking down

I couldn't believe he was still apologizing even when I had hurt him double or even triple of what he did to me

"It's okay, it's in the past, now we move on sir and I'm sorry too" I said

It's not your fault, my head is weird when I get angry"

"All good" I said


"Yes sweet"

"I feel ashamed" he said making me look at him

His face had frowns as he looked down


"I said so many things and I behaved horribly. I shouldn't have let my anger dictate my actions"

"Manik it happened and we can't change it, what we can do is forget it and keep in mind that neither one of us should words or our actions like we did in these weeks. I don't wanna dwell on it, I wanna eat and lay down with you"

"You forgive me" he asked

"I do handsome"

"Thank you" he said making me smile

I walked to him standing inbeween his legs

"I like this, it's new" I said touching his face

"It's itchy, I need to shave"

"Why haven't you"

"Just cause, I was depressed you know so to go with the look" he said making me chuckle

"Sir you look more handsome, not depressed"

"Dang I thought that too when I looked in the mirror this morning, should I keep the beard then" he asked

"Whatever you want, I like you both ways"

"Ya we know that" he said smirking

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