Chapter 11

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I flinched when manik's phone rang

"What" he said on the phone

"Okay, ya that's fine" he said and I looked at him curiously

"We gotta go" he said getting up and I nodded

"Why didn't you eat" he asked

"Esehi" I said

He grabbed my hand again and the butterflies flood in my stomach again

We walked to the car again and he opened the door for me

"Thank you" I said and he smiled

Ahh his smile, goodness!!!!!

He got in and started driving, I opened the granola bar and broke it in half.

"Here" I said and he glanced at me

"No, it's for you"

"Please" I said and he nodded

He grabbed it munching on it, I could tell he was hungry by the way he was eating it

It wasn't actually too bad, I liked it a lot, it was chocolatey and had this umm brownie flavour in it too.

We got to manik's office and we walked inside, his fingers were entwined with mine which I don't think I could ever get used to it.

When we got to his cabin, he was acting weird, almost cold which scared me because what if he was back to that behaviour again

"Sit over here" he said patting his chair

"No" I said

"Please" he said and I sat on his chair

He moved the chair and leaned on his desk so I was righting front of him

"Veebha is coming" he said

I froze hearing him, she is coming, she is coming and I

"Relax, breath" he said

"She she will" I was kinda freaking out

"She won't do anything but I wanted you here because I don't want misunderstandings. I want us to work nandini, I want us to be normal and for that I have to let go of this past I carry with me"

I could see he was being truthful with me, I could not just feel it, but I could see it in his eyes


He leaned down and caressed my cheek making me almost lean into his touch.

"I am scared" I said

"Why" he asked

"These 6 months have been really hard for me, not just physically but the emotional part hurt me so much. I am scared that you will become cold to me" I told him my worries

he took a deep breath and pulled me a little making me get up. He picked me up and sat me on his table making my eyes wide.

He sat on his chair and pulled himself closer to me, I was a bit taller than him, just a little bit

He placed his hands on my thigh, making me look in his eyes, he was looking for discomfort in my eyes but there was none

I wasn't uncomfortable but it was a new and different feeling feeling his hand on my thigh, I kinda liked it, call me a fucking slut well that's what my mother would have called me if she saw this

"Nandini" he said with emotions in his voice

I bitty lip trying not to cry remembering the last 6 months, I forgave him, I had the second his eyes showed pain that I went through, it wasn't that I didn't trust him, I was just scarred

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