Chapter 33

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Manik's pov

I was sitting on the dining table and for the first time this house felt just like a hollow building, it felt like there was nothing.

I didn't realize what I had said last night to nandini when I saw her with harshad until she told me this morning and the wheels turned and it all made sense.

I felt ashamed of myself, i felt like shit for uttering those words, I wasn't accusing her, it was my head speaking random shit because I am insecure.

I trust her fully, I don't trust harshad and nandini is way too fucking special for me so I am insecure of being left alone and guess what I fucking did that to myself.

I realized I had been crying since she stepped out to go to Cabir's, I had texted him to let him know she is coming to meet gia.

I am nothing without nandini, and I knew that already but it has been proved.

I let her down last night, she called sanaya last night because her head was throbbing and I didn't take care of her because of my stupid fucking anger.

I held onto her the whole night switching ice packs, she did relax in my arms but It wasn't like it usually is.

My phone rang causing me to flinch a little at the loud noise. I looked at it to see it was cabir, I knew he was calling to yell at me.


"Manik get here now, nandini'

"Is she okay" I asked running up to grab my keys

"Tu ro raha hai" he asked

"Nandini what happened" I asked

"She fainted, Arun and sanaya are coming. Just come fast"

Shit, I can't lose her, fucking hell man I let my anger risk the most precious person in my life. Nothing will happen to her, she can't do this to me, to us.

I got to cabir's house in 5 minutes, I don't know how fast I was driving nor did I care.

I ran in and cabir looked pissed as he should be, he loves Nandini as his little sister so of course he was pissed and he has the right to be

"Mosi sick" gia said

"No baby she is okay" cabir said picking her up

"Upstairs manik" navy said

I ran up to our old room and saw her lying there, she looked so pale and drained.

"Crying doesn't fucking help now does it" cabir asked


"What is crying gonna do" he asked patting my back as I hiccuped

"She is going to be okay na" I asked

"She will be, sanaya said it's probably dehydration"

"I fucked up" I whispered sitting on the floor looking at her

I didn't deserve to console her or sit by her

"Yes you did, you fucked up a lot but it's not something that can't be mended and fixed"

"Cabir she"

"Shh relax, you cannot get hyper like this, she is going to be okay"

"I I did this to her" I cried and he pulled me in a hug

"Im not gonna lie manik, what you said to her was beyond fucked up. That girl hasn't stepped out since you left, I told her to come stay here or we can come there but she refused. She said the home reminded her of you, your presence was in that house so she felt safe there. Now I don't know what her relation is with harshad but I damn well know she would never do anything to hurt you. I know that she only loves you so for her to hear those words from her husband whom she loves dearly is messed up. She hasn't eaten properly or slept even since you left, she got ready for the stupid business party thing even though she didn't have to but she did. She held your hand when she should have slapped you. You messed up manik but mistakes happen, I know that she will forgive you the second the intensity of those words fade but you can't give up. You can't let her walk away"

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