Chapter 18

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A week in Maldives went by so fast, we rode bicycles, had so much food oh and coconut water. We also went snorkelling and paragliding, we did have a lazy day but it was much needed because we needed to catch up on sleep.

We boarded our flight to Shimla which I found out because Manik asked me to reply to a message from a Client and the booking humans called to confirm our flights so I found out which manik was kinda upset about but hey whatever.

The flight wasn't super long, we reached in our hotel room around 4ish in the evening. I didn't even take our clothes out because we were only here for a few days.

"Hey can we get take out" he asked

"Of course" I replied

he nodded and sat down on the bed

"What's cooking good looking" I asked walking up to him

"I don't wanna go out, I just wanna stay with you. We explored Maldives but this is a staycation ya"

"And why so" I asked

A smirk played on his lips and I knew it wasn't gonna be good

"You'll know" he said making me laugh because he is so cute

He changed and came out. I grabbed a towel and walked in the bathroom, after freshening up I looked for a pyjama set when my eyes fell on the white lingerie I had bought.

I mean it's not like I'm wearing it in front of a stranger, he is my husband and gosh I want him in ways that I haven't gotten.

I want him, I need him but I don't wanna look weird or like a desperate woman. You know what who gives a shit, he either wants the same thing or he doesn't so im gonna put my big girl pants well, my big girl lingerie on and get out of this bathroom

I put the set on along with a black satin robe so im not walking out naked well almost right.

Taking a deep breath I twisted the door knob and stepped outside.

"So I was think waohhhh" he stopped as his eyes moved up from my legs up to my eyes

"Yes" I asked

"Umm ya umm I" he had lost his thought

His eyes turned darker again, there are times his eyes will change shades into a darker one and it's intriguing to me

I could tell he was shocked, I jsut didn't know if it was a good shacked or a bad one

"Come here" he said huskily

It wasn't a 'hey can you please come here' it was a 'come here now' and boy who was. To refuse.

I slowly made my way over to him, I stood in front of him as his eyes darkened more.

His hands moved up the back of my leg all the way above the back of my knee, he pulled me a little and before I even knew it I was under him on the bed

He hovered over me and I couldn't help but eye his lips, I umm I don't know why but I felt warm.

"Teasing me is never a good idea my darling" he whispered kissing my jawline

"But I wasn't" I whispered with difficulty as his lips traced my neck

"Umm hmm then why this choice of outfit" he asked biting my neck

"Ahh" i moaned, I fucking moaned

It seemed like an accomplishment to him because I felt him smiling against my neck

"I asked a question love" he said

I wanted to answer but I couldn't, it was really hard to say anything when he was sucking on my neck like that.

A moan escaped my lips when he moved down my collar bone sucking and dropping kisses

"Nandini I need to know what your intentions are" he asked sucking on my collarbone

"Manik" I whispered out with great difficulty

"Yes Jaan"

just his words were enough to make me wet. I felt his hardness on my throbbing core.

He pulled back making me whine which made him chuckle

"I know how much you want me but I need words, I need to know exactly what you want" he said

I looked down to find my robe untied, when the fuck did he do that and I didn't even notice that.

Not just that, I noticed the bulge in his sweats making me gulp at the mouth watering site. He is so freaking handsome, jeez I can't even.

"Hey eyes up here wifey, I need words from you" he said

I moved my eyes to his and I saw the desire that filled his eyes

"I umm I want this" I finally blurt out

"This? Im not sure what you are asking Nandini" he said with that smug look

Oh he knew exactly what I meant but he is gonna tease me for it

"Manik you ahhhh manik" I yelled when his lips latched on my neck again

"Im listening" he said sucking on my neck

I griped the sheets feeling his leg rubbing against my core, I couldn't help but lean down to continue that friction

He held my waist stopping me from moving down to move against his leg

"I still haven't gotten your words" he said moving away from me standing in front of me off the bed

He took his t shirt off and I drooled, literally fucking drooled at the sight of his abs and chest, damn this man is perfect.

"Manik please" I whined at the lack of contact

"Please what jaan" he asked standing there with his hands on his hips.

"God dammit manik, jsut come over here and make love to me, have sex with me, whatever the hell you wanna call it, jsut please" I said being frustrated

he chuckled hearing me

"I can't believe this, I hate you so much" I said taking my robe off because it was hot and I didn't care anymore

"Okay im sorry" he said smiling

"Bye" I said sitting up

"Oh no darling, you are not going anywhere" he said pushing me back

My breath hitched when his hand went behind my neck pulling me in a rough but soothing kiss.

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