Chapter 7

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I knocked on his door and he yelled a come in from inside

"Hey man I woahhh ii my sweetie" I picked up gia

"Ma haunts" she said kicking her legs in my arms

"Oh boy, I know. Your dad over here is weird and spending time with him is bad I get which is why you can stay with manik Chachu"

she giggled in my arms, I sat down with her in my arms and Cabir looked at me

"Whattt" I asked being irritated

"What did you do manik?"

"How are you so sure about me doing something"

"Cause I heard Nandini ran out of your cabin and then a client of our isn't ours anymore so what did you do" he asked

"I umm so she was being so freaking stupid and kept telling me to makes changes which aren't safe so I said no and she tried seducing me. She sat on my lap and before I could react Nandini walked in"

"I can't believe you manik" he said

"What? I didn't do anything"

"What's going on" navya asked walking in and taking gia from me

"Give her back" I said

"No, I made her a bottle she had to drink milk" she said sitting on the bed giving her the bottle

"So whats up" she asked

"He let a girl well a client sit on his lap and Nandini walked in on that scene in his cabin" Cabir said

"This is bullshit manik" she siad

"It wasn't my fault" I said

"Right, okay fine" she siad and every time she says it there is something stupid coming

"No what"

"You let a girl sit in your lap, and to be walking into that is shit. I can guarantee you it I walked into a situation like that with cabir I would kill him and that girl, not exaggerating at all" she siad

"But I literally pushed her as soon as"

"No it's not good enough manik" she said interrupting me

"Manik that girl has been through hell with you the past 6 months and has never even raised her voice at you. You wake her up in the middle of the fucking night every day to make you food which you never eat yet she has been doing that. She sleeps on the floor which is messed up, do you know fucking cold the floor is these days because of the air conditioning? You are so rude to her but she doesn't say anything because she sees how angry and in pain you were when you saw her instead of veebha. That day everyone gave her money for her first rasoi, she went to the beach and fed these poor kids, she bought them balloons and spent time with them. And to be honest manik, Nandini is 100 times better than veebha and if you can't see that then im not sure what to tell you" he said

I was shook at everything I heard, well first of all he knows she sleeps on the floor and me making her do everything yet he didn't say anything

Second, that's why she goes to the beach, to see those kids. I just thought she wanted to stay out of the house but I guess I was really wrong

And third, he is correct, she is so much better than veebha, she is selfless and kind. She is confident but doesn't throw herself at me.

"Manik this wedding was new and not something you liked but Nandini came here with being a stranger yet she won everyone's heart. You had one heart to win to make comfortable but you hurt her" navya said

"I was angry" I mumbled

"Doesn't help now does it" she said

"Can you two help please, beat me up later" I said

"Help you with what" she asked

"How to make it right" I said

"Thats something you have to figure out, we can't help with that" cabir siad

"Well you two are useless" I said

"Fuck off" he said

"You fuck off" I said getting up walking out of their room

"Make it right Manu" I heard him

"I will" I said wlaking back into our room

Nandini was laying on her back on the floor, her eyes were closed but I knew she wasn't a sleep

"Nandini" I called

She opened her eyes and got up

"Food" she asked

"No, umm I need your help with cooking" I said

"My help" she asked

"I wanna make chicken biriyani and I need help so come down" I said and she nodded

We walked downstairs and I hopped up on the counter sitting there and she glared at me

"What" I asked

"You wanted help right" I nodded

"Then get up and take my help"

"Umm I changed my mind, you make it" I said and she rolled her eyes at me

She didn't say anything else, jsut made me biriyani and it was weird because I have never watched her like this.

She is beyond beautiful, there is something about her smile which I rarely see when she is with me but when she laughs with cabir, it swells my hear with happiness.

"Here you go" she said handing me a plate

This is when I realized she had another plate so I thought it was for her but nope. She walked out with the plate and I followed her outside to see her giving it to the guard.

She walked upstairs to our room and I grabbed my plate following her up. I closed our door and sat down on the bed

"Nandini" I called and she looked at me

"You can sleep on the bed" I siad

"Don't play nice" she siad

"What does that mean" I asked

"Playing nice, letting me sleep in your bed"

"Our bed" I said

"Your bed, asking for my help, being nice only to burst out the next moment and crush the hope I will develop" she said

"I realize I made a huge mistake, I get it"

"No Manik you don't, you think this is easy to forget well guess what, I can't, I cannot forget it so please let me be" she said

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