Chapter 28

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Nandini's pov

i woke up hearing Manik's phone ringing, I leaned over and grabbed it from his side table


"Hi mera racha, kaisa hai tu" it was ma

"Ma, I miss you"

"I miss you too sweetie"

"Im good, how are you and papa"

"Good, how is manik and the little baby"

"Manik is good, umm ma we found her mom yesterday, her grandparents threw her away and told the mom she was kidnaped"

"People are so cruel, are you two okay"

"Ya I mean it would have been nice to adopt her but it's good we found her parents"

"Thats very wise of you"

"Thank you ma"

"Beta can I ask you for a favour"

"Of course ma what is it"

"You mom called me this morning and asked me to send you home for a couple days because she misses you and I know you don't want to go there so do you mind going with manik for a couple hours" she asked

"It's okay ma, I can take manik with me, he has a day off"

"Thank you nandi"

"No problem ma"

"Take care of yourself and my idiot son, I have to get back to your papa or he will become weird you know"

I laughed hearing her becasue she is so right, malhotra men are possessive

"You too ma, take care and be safe"

"Bye bacha"

"Bye ma" I said and cut the call

I looked down to see manik sleeping with his face in my shoulder, his arm was around my stomach.

Its so weird that I usually sleep with my head on his chest and when I wake up he is always on me. I caressed his arm making him cuddle closer to me.

I have had nights where I think about this, about the things I went through and about my parents. I genuinely think I am adopted and that would be the best case secnerio because I wouldn't be hurt then since im not their blood.

It would be nice to get closure so I can put this shit behind me and move on not that I advent but there is a a space in my heart that always wonders.

"Baby stop" manik's husky voice gets me every time

"Stop what sweet"

"You are tensing up, I can feel it. Stop thinking"

"Im sorry" I whispered and she shook his head moving his head from my neck to my chest

"What's wrong" he asked

"Nothing, sleep its a little early"

"Jaan tum kyu eski kartı ho, share it with me" he said placing a chaste kiss on my chest over the t shirt I was wearing

"Ma called and asked if I could go over to my parent's house for a couple hours because apparently they miss me"

"Ill come with you and this time I am not leaving your hand or your side, I promise" he whispered

"I know"

"Then stop stressing please and relax so I can sleep" he said making me laugh

"So this Pep talk was because you need me to relax so you can sleep" I asked

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