Chapter 15

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Nandini's pov

It's been a whole month since I came back home from my house and these 30 days, I have had so much fun with manik.

he is so sweet to me, he doesn't yell or scream at me, if I ever frustrate him which trust me is a lot because I am one curious human, he will sit there patiently explaining everything to me like I'm a child or something

Today we were heading out for our vacation, it was a surprise for me where we were going but navya bhabhi had made me get so many clothes and not jsut normal clothes, like lingerie and things as well.

I was so shy buying them but who cares, I mean I have literally been living with manik for 7 months or so. I got Pajama shorts as well because ma and papa said I could wear them.

"Nandini sweetheart are you ready?" I heard Manik's voice

"Yes sir, give me a second" I said from the bathroom

Remember when I said I could fall in love with him well guess what bitches, I am in love with this man well not just any man, I am in love with his husband.

"What in the world are you even doing In there" he asked

I knew he was standing outside the door

"You can come in and see" I said

"Don't tell me you are peeing or something gross" he said making me laugh

We joke around a lot which is so sweet, I love joking around or arguing in a non harmful way with him, like funny banters

"nahhhh im just pulling out a tampon, wanna see" I said

"Disgusted human being" he said coming in

"Aww you wanna see" I teased

"Ha ha shut up, I know you aren't on your period" he said

He keeps a check of my period on his phone, he has this app that I use to trace my period and he keeps a track of when im pmsing and all which honestly is so cute.

"I am"

"Liar, you jsut finished it a day ago, your period isn't for another 29 days. Don't challenge me wifey, I know you" he said

"Manik" I whispered when he rested his chin on my shoulder keeping his hands on the counter closing me in

"You take so long" he complained looking at me through the mirror

"Im not baba, I was just doing my hair for the flight" I replied

"Yes but, im sleepy. Can we go, I wanna sleep on the flight"

"Of course we can" I said leaning to the side kissing his cheek

"Chalo na"

"Han baba" I packed my hair and skin stuff

"Nandini" I hmmed closing the pouch of stuff

"You do know it's our honeymoon right"

"What" I asked becasue he had never mentioned it

"Yup, honeymoon"

"You didn't mention it" I said

"Now I am" he said kissing my cheek moving away

"Nandini" we heard bhabhi

"I swear I can never get privacy with my wife" manik mummbled following me out to the room making me chuckle

"Hi bhabhi"

"Gia is being fussy" she said holding gia who was trying to jump out of her arms

I chuckled becasue every time gia is fussy she brings her over making me happy

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