Chapter 31

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Guess what, it's been 14 days, freaking 14 days since that day. We had packed his things, and had a romantic dinner which we cooked together, it was amazing. Not gonna lie we did end up making love the whole night, we did not waste a single second.

He had forced me to go back to bhai, bhabhi and gia so that I won't feel lonely but I wanted to stay here because his presence was there, his scent, his manliness, just him so I stayed.

It was the 14th day and bhai was coming over with gia and bhabhi today becasuse I cooked biriyani. I missed manik so freaking much, I can't even describe it.

I knew he was coming back today but I wasn't sure if he would reach right at the venue of the business party or come home first, but I was excited.

"Mosi" I heard Gia's voice

"Hi baby" I picked her up as she ran to me

"I missed you"

"I missed you too silly, how are you"

"Good, dad got me some balloons today"

"Ya what colour"

"Pink, so pretty" she said

"Aww thats adorable" I said kissing her cheek

She wiggled down and ran to the living room to watch tv.

"Hi choti, how are you" bhai asked

"Good, how are you"

"Good, you don't look too good" he said

"Im good, jsut miss him a lot" I said smiling

"When is he coming back"

"Not sure yet" I said plating the food

"Cabir someone is here" it was bhabhi

"Who" I asked

"harshad" she said and I shrugged my shoulders but Bhai's who aura switched.

"Fucker" he whispered marching out

I followed him and saw harshad, I recognized him right away becasue he was a friend of mine

Actually whenever I would roam around at night he would always smile at me from his window which was right next to mine.

"Oh so she is this pretty babe who manik is in love with" he said and I frowned

"Harshad what are you doing here" I asked

"You know him" bhai asked

"Ya, he used to be my neighbour"

"Oh ya Cabir we are friends" he said

"Don't you dare" bhai said

"Nandini I need to talk to you" he said and I wasn't sure about what

"She will not talk to you" bhai siad

"Bhai relax" I said seeing him being angry

"Liten to her, not move" he said grabbing my hand and dragging me upstairs.

"You fucker leave her arm" I heard bhai

"Bhai it's okay" I said and he looked concerned but I turned around and smiled at him making him nod telling me he is right here

"What do you want harshad" I asked

"Nandini I thought you adn I had something" he said and I frowned

"Im confused, not sure what you mean"

"Don't act innocent Nandini, we literally had a thing going"

"What thing" I asked

"You are gonna make me say it"

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