Chapter 24

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"Okay see we can go see a doctor" I said putting my phone down

She looked up at me and leaned her face to me asking me to kiss her indirectly so I leaned forward and kissed her lips softly

"You are the best manik, I really love you a lot" she whispered pulling back

I chuckled a little pecking her lips again

"Thank you and I love you more"

I placed my hand on Nandini's leg as I started driving and she smiled at me, she pouted a little because she couldn't hold my hand but the baby is fragile so I needed her to hold the baby for now

"Manik" she whispered after a bit

I glanced over at her and she looked really sad for some reason

"Jaan what's wrong" I asked caressing her thigh

"I have a feeling and it's not good" she said

"Like what? Talk to me baby"

"What if her mom is looking for her" she asked

"Im sorry I don't understand what you mean"

"Can I have your phone please" she asked and I nodded

she grabbed it from the console and was doing something

"What are you doing" I asked

"Hello, Arun can I ask you for a favour" she said on the phone

Arun is a friend of mine and nandini calls him bhai, he came over a couple days ago to help us move stuff.

"Of course what is it"

"Umm would you be able to let me know how many baby girl's have been born in the last couple days around us. Also have it telecasted or whatever to see if someone is looking for a baby girl" she asked

"Ya give me 30 minus, ill get back to you"

"Thank you" she siad cutting the call

"Baby what are you thinking" I asked being confused

"Manik I really wanna adopt her, I would love to have her with us but I just wanna make sure she doesn't have someone looking for her"

"Who would be looking for her? She was in the garbage" I said being confused

"Sometimes people make rash decisions or those decisions are made for them and as much as I love her already I wouldn't wanna take her away from her mom especially. we can adopt her if no one is looking for her out here" she said

I smiled at her, squeezing her thigh a little I leaned over and kissed her cheeks when I approached a red light

"Jaan you never disappoint me, you kind of surprise me every time. I can't believe at how your brain works"

"Is it bad" she asked

"No silly, it's perfect" I said and she smiled

We reached he hospital where the pediatrition was and headed in. We were waiting for the doctor when my phone rang.

"Its Arun, you wanna talk to him" I asked

"Put it on speaker" she said and I nodded

"Hey" I siad

"Sup idiot"

"Dude fuck off"

"Manik meri janeman esa na Bol" he said making Nandini laugh

"Bhaiii" she said

"Acha Han, so there is only 5 girls that were born and they were all born in max. I did broadcast it to my inner links but haven't heard anything" he said

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