Chapter 35

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We walked downstairs and nandini was walking towards navya as we folwloed

"Hi bhabhi" she said

"What is going on between manic and you and how long is this gonna go for" she asked

"Navya" I warned

"No don't its been 3 fucking weeks and im not waiting longer for the two of you to work things out" she said

"Work what out" nandini asked

"Right okay so forgive me but im gonna be fucking but right now" she siad and I looked at cabir

"Let her say it" he said


"No you two have been acting like kids" he said


"Nandini you are dragging his shit out and I understand it being dragger to a certain point but this is too much"

"Navya its between us we will deal with it" I said

"Well we gave ya'll 3 weeks and you look like shit and she has been sulking too so since y'all can't figure it out im stating facts"

"Ya no seriously guys this is dragging out" cabir said

"Bhabhi, bhai im sorry but you don't know what it feels like" nandini said

"Really" cabir asked

"Bhai it hurts, those words aren't gone yet, I still hear them"

"So why are you actually upset" he asked her

"Is this a joke, I told you everyhting"

"Ya and im asking you to tell me again"

"He accused me of sleeping with someone who was my neighbour, we talked a couple times and that was it, him showing up here was weird" she said

"He didn't accuse you, he asked and this isn't justifying that he was correct because he wasn't but he was angry" navya siad

"Bhabhi imagine cabir bhai accusing you and saying those words to you in anger"

"Nandini everyone gets angry and so has cabir, hemal have said stupid hurtful things in anger but if I was still holding onto it or if he was still holding onto the shit I have said to him we wouldn't be here"

"Im sorry but I can't look past it at least not yet" nandini said

"I don't remember Manik dragging the issue out when you accused him of cheating on you in the office" navya said

"Navya this is messed up, you know what the situation was" I said

"Let her answer it, nandini answer it. He may have been a monster to you but he cleared it out, he never pushed you away like this and that was when he didn't even think of this marriage as real"


"No nandini, navya is right, I have always supported you and I will continue to do so but you are really hurting him. You aren't giving him a chance to explain, yes he made a mistake yell at him, hit him but this silent treatment is hurting both of you. He hasn't eaten"

"Cabir stop" I said hearing him

"He hasn't eaten a single proper meal in the past 3 weeks, he drinks fucking protein shakes, he sleeps outside your room because he is afraid of losing you. Yes you are hurting too, but give him a chance to explain"

"Okay that's enough, both of you take gia and go it's between nadnini and I and we will deal with it. I appreciate the help but please go" I said


"Cabir no, I never interfere when you and navya fight so please"

"Fine but sort it out" he said and I nodded

I walked up and got gia from the guest room, she is so cute when she is sleeping, navya took her and walked to nadnini

"Im sorry for the harsh words but I can't see you two hurting"

"It's okay bhabhi, I understand" she said

When they left I looked at nandini, soaking in her face I walked back up to the study.

A few minutes later the door opened and she walked inside tugging at a piece of hair strand

"Can we talk" she asked

"We can, but if it's because of navya then it's okay you take your time" I siad biting my cheek so I would cry

"No, I want to" she siad and nodded

"Ill be in the room in a second" I said and she nodded walking out

I closed my laptop and walked to our room, I placed my laptop down on the dresser and sat on the bed.

She sat on the bed too in blankets resting her back on the head rest.

"You hurt me a lot Manik, you know I could even forget you accusing me but what hurt the most was when I told you I wasn't feeling well you didn't care, you didn't care if I was dying in pain"

"Im gonna stop you right there, you are right I didn't say anything but hearing sanaya on the phone I knew it was serious and I did try taking care of you"

"You did and I won't deny that but how could you think he was better in bed and I was telling him that I love him" she asked

"When I walked in all I heard was 'me loving you is' and it made me overthink. It hurt me to hear that and you are right I didn't know the context, or what you were about to say which is messed up I know. But nandini I don't think my mistake was that big that you treated me like this for 3 weeks" I said looking down

she didn't say anything

"Harshad is a former classmate, he had told the whole college I had tried touching his girlfriend in an appropriate way, I was close to going to jail but the girl turned up at the last minute and told everyone the truth when the judge had told her she would be going to jail if they found out she was lying. Seeing harshad here brought me back to that time in my life where I almost lost everything and see I am so close to losing everything again because of him" I told her

"You wouldn't lose me you know that" she said

"Im not sure nandini because it feels like I have lost you"

"Im right here" she said

"It doesn't feel like it, I feel like I am a skeleton walking around just doing what needs to be done"

"Im sorry" she whispered

"You don't need to be, just let me hold you please nandini, I can't do this anymore. Sleeping by the door, not eating just working is nothing compared to the absence I feel. my heart is breaking nandini, and im not sure how long I can take it, I don't know how long I can survive without holding you. I made a mistake I know I did but please please don't push me away nandini. I have never hurt like this. Please please forgive me nandini please" I couldn't help but burst out crying in front of her

i felt her arms around me as she hugged me

"Im so sorry sweet, im very sorry" she whispered

I couldn't say anything as I hiccuped in between crying. I wrapped my arms around her shoving my face in her neck. I was at peace finally being in her hold, she held onto me really tight

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