Chapter 30

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I slipped in my seat and put my seatbelt on trying not to explode. I heard the door open and he slipped in.

"Let me hold you baby" he whispered making me look at him

His eyes were full of love and care. There were hints of worry making me tear up even more

"Come on over here Jaan"

"Im okay" I whispered smiling

He leaned to me opening my seat belt and pushing my seat back, I knew he wouldn't  move a single centimetre until he had me in his arms

I move my legs over and sat in his lap, he adjusted me in his arms and put the seat belt on us.

"I am so proud of you my little love" he whispered kissing the top of my head

I moved my face up and kissed his lips, wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed him with all that I had, I fucking love this man.

I tasted that bitter yet sweet vanilla taste from his coffee in his mouth as his tongue met with mine deepening the kiss. I bit his lip softly not enough to hurt him as I pulled back.

I rested my head on his holding his arms, while he was holding my face.

"Are you okay" he asked

"So okay" I said and he shook his head


That's all it took, just that one word from him and I started crying, eveyrhting I was holding came out.

"It's okay shh it's alright, they won't even be in your life anymore, no more mom no more past. It's jsut us and our beautiful future, you understand that right my love" his voice so soft like he was talking to a child

"Meri jaan kita rogi, please baby, I hate seeing you cry" he said when I didn't say anything

"Manik am I that bad that my own parents didn't want me, they left me in a brothel" I cried in his arms

"No jaan, you are the most pure human I have ever met, you are so smart and beautiful it is their loss. You always say na that eveyrhtng happens for a reason" he asked and I nodded

"Then this all happened for a good reason, I met you, sure it was forcefully but baby I have met my other half. I cannot undo the torture you went through however I can fill those scars and bruises with my love"

"Manik you won't leave me na" I asked and he smiled at me

"Nandini not a single soul can live without their heart and jaan you are my heart. Without you I am lifeless, there is a skeleton and nothing else. Its not about me leaving you or wanting to stay. I am bound to you, I am linked to you darling" he said

I smiled hearing his reply cuddling into his chest.

"Don't get sad like this, it hurts me" he said

"I am not sad, I feel good finally cause I know eveyrhin now"

"Thats right and now you and I are gonna go get some ice cream ya" he asked

"Choco chip" I asked and he nodded

"And then we can go to the mall" he said

"Eww disgusting, who goes to the mall" I asked

"Jaan you should get some clothes"

"I have plenty" I said

"You don't need anything" he asked

"Umm I need umm lets see" I siad thinking

He started driving while I thought about it.

"Oh yes okay so I need colourful pens and I want to buy umm a dress" I said

"Dress for something specific" he asked

"Yes sir, if you are forgetting bhai told me you have a business party in 15 days"

"Shit fuck, I forgot about that"

"I am a bad influence on you sweet" I whispered causing him to chuckle

"No honey, you are the best influence on me"

I smiled hearing him, I was at peace finally. I felt like I was home in his arms, his arms are eveyrhting to me. I feel safe and loved.

We drove to the mall to shop, we even got ice cream and had some late lunch there. On our way back home manik's phone rang.

I picked it up becasue he was driving and put it on speaker becasue it was from a client.

"Hello" he spoke

"Hi manik, it's Sanjay from Gupta industries"

"Hi Sanjay how are you"

"Good, you"

"Good, what can I do for you"

"Umm so there is a problem in our designs and mr Gupta would like to have a chat with you about it"

"Sure, ill get my pa to schedule him in"

"That would have been awesome however mr Gupta is in Dubai at the moment so would you be able to fly down for a quick meeting. The expenses will be taken care of, but jsut so you know it could take time" he said and my stomach dropped

I saw manik looking at me with sadness in his eyes. I nodded not wanting to come in between his work.

"Umm sure, don't worry about the expenses, ill be there tomorrow morning" manik said

"Thank you so much manik"

"No problem Sanjay, take care"

"You too, see you soon"

"Ya you too" manik said and I cut the call

A silence fell in the car as we drove home, neither one of us said anything. We got home and I put the stuff in the closet in it's packaging and walked outside to manik who was on the phone

"Cabir I don't care, just do something" he sounded frustrated

"I can't manik, I can't get her passport made this quick, it'll take at least a week even if we pay more or go to the highest people we know" bhai said


"I know you are annoyed but I genuinely can't do anything, it is holiday weekend so getting this done is impossible"

"Fine" he said and cut the call

"Sweet what's wrong" I asked sitting in his lap

His arms wrapped around my waist as he rested his face in my neck

"I can't go without you" he whispered

"It's work manik"

"But how will I live" it make my heart skip a beat when he siad that

"Ill face time you every single second"

"Shit man, fuckkk"

"Manik relax baba, it's just a couple day max"

"Nandini I can't"

"Please, don't spoil your mood. It's work and I promise I will get my passport made so I can maybe come with you next time"

"Fucking hell, I swear to god I will kill them if it's longer than a day" he said

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