Chapter 6

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Manik's pov

It's been 6 months since we got married and it still hurts, I thought time would heal it but every time I see Nandini it reminds me of the things I went through.

When Nandini came to my office and saw that girl well one of our clients no ex client on me today, I saw pain in her eyes and I wanted to tell her what happened but before I could she ran out. I ran after her but she was quick enough to sprint.

I got back home and just waited for her while Cabir went out on a date, mom and dad went to their business thing and will return on the day of the launch

It had been hours since I had been waiting when she finally walked in, shivering a little.

Her red nose and cheeks were enough to tell me she went to the beach and sat there. She does this ever so often where she will come back after the sun set.

"Nandini" I called getting up from the bed

"No" she said

I was surprised becasue she never speaks back to me

"What did you sayyy" I asked

"I said no"

"How dare you" the anger was building up seeing her talking back to me

"Manik im exhausted"

I knew she was, but I was not gonna let her disrespect me

"And why would I care about that, you fucking left and ignored me when I called you" I said

I had called her a few times but she didn't pick up

"I have never raised my voice at you or opposed anything you have said but I had never thought you would do what you did today. ma and papa are gonna come back the day of the launch so I would appreciate you telling them what happened and if you can't it's fine I will jsut leave" she said making me grab her arms in anger

"The fuck did you jsut say to me" I asked

"You heard me" she replied not intimidated at all

"The fuck do you mean you will leave" I asked when something in my heart pinged

"I don't have money to get a lawyer or anything so it's better if you got the divorce papers and I can sign them" she said and I was pissed now


"What the fuck do you want me to do manik, what should I do? this wedding isn't ideal sure I know that, you are suffering and you are hurt I get it but these 6 months you have done nothing but hurt me yet I have not said a single thing. You sweared at me, made me do this work and it was fine, you even physically hurt me a few times and yet I never even looked you in the eyes and said anything. I was quiet, I didn't say anything because I understood you were in pain. I understood every action of yours and kept quiet. If you wanted to go fuck others or have other bitches sitting in your lap you go right ahead but get this in your head, I am not that naive to watch you cheat on me you wanna repeat what you did today give me the damn papers and ill sign them" she said

I can't believe this, she thinks I was cheating on her, hell I thought she at least knew the kind of man I am

"Watch your words" I said

"I won't, you wanna beat me do it. I fucking dare you manik. 6 months you hurt me emotionally and now you wanna hurt me physically do it"

She said and my grip on her arms loosened hearing this, she thought I would physically her her

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