Chapter 4

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I walked back home well sprinted kinda cause I was so late.

"Good evening ma'am" the guard uncle said

"Evening uncle, call me nandini, im super late but ill talk tot you later" I said running in as he opened it

I ran in to see ma and papa sitting having tea

"Nandini bacha are you okay" ma said coming up to me rubbing my back cause I was breathless

"Umm hmm" I hummed trying to catch my breath

"Sorry ma, I was at the beach then I lost track of time and" I rambled on catching my breath

"Relax it's okay, Cabir told us, he said he was gonna go pick you up if you weren't back till 7" she said

"Im so sorry" I said looking down

"Nandini beta come here" dad said and I walked to him

He gestured me to sit beside him and I did

"Nandini you are our daughter, jsut like navya and we love you equally. We aren't the kind of people who would think of you as our daughter in law. Manik, Cabir, navya and you are all equal to us and will always be. We don't have a curfew for anyone in this house, we see you guys equal to us, if you wanna go out to party or go hang out with friend, be it anything, any time, we will never ever stop you unless it's unsafe. You just need to inform us and that way we won't worry and Cabir already told us where you were so there is no need to worry" he said

My eyes welled with tears hearing him, my own parents didn't care either but for very different reasons and being here makes me feel like I am not a useless person.

"You made her cry raj" ma said wiping my tears

"No ma it's just very overwhelming and I didn't know how you would react. Thank you for giving me this freedom and a choice" I said

"Chal bohot hua yeh rona dhona, nandu gia is back" papa said squealing like a child getting ice cream on a hot summer day

"I heard about it, bhai told me" I said wiping my tears

"Lets go get her" he said holding my hand

"But wouldn't it be like invading their privacy" I asked as he took me upstairs

"Ahh dude I don't care, I wanna see my girl" he siad making me laugh

"He is like this Nandini, you'll realize that all Malhotra men are kids" ma said making me smile

"Oh my gosh, my little baby" he coxed grabbing gia from bhai

"Dadddd" bhai whines

"Shut up" he said sitting down with gia

"Hi Nandini, im navya" bhabhi siad

"Hi bhabhi"

"Are yar formal mat ho, finally mom and I have someone else in our team, this girl is already on the men's side especially Manik's" she said looking at gia


"Umm hmm, she loves being around manik. He loves kids so whenever he is home, I automatically know gia is with him. Sometimes he works with her by him, this one time I walked in his room to find him working with gia beside him sleeping and yet he was talking to her because he didn't realize she had fallen a sleep" she laughed remembering it

I smiled hearing this, maybe he isn't such a monster. I mean i understand why he is upset and angry, he should be I guess.

"Nandini you are a sister to me, talk to me about anything and everything" she said and I smiled nodding

"Im gonna change" I said

"Beta we all usually have dinner in our rooms" she said and I nodded

I walked to my room well manik's room and saw him in the exact same spot I left him in. The only difference was he had a bowl of chips beside him.

He looked up at me and put his laptop down

"Where the fuck were you" he asked

I shut the door so no one hears him

"I umm I went to the beach" I said

"Didn't I tell you that you are a maid" he asked walking to me

"You did"

"Then why the fuck are you fluttering your wings around, I swear to god Nandini I will fucking cut every single wing you have and ill do it with a smile"

"Im sorry, I just"

"I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT" he yelled pushing me out of his way making me fall on the ground

I groaned a little feeling pain on my elbow

I got up and walked to the bathroom, I changed into pyjamas since ma told me I didn't need to keep wearing suits and all at night.

Oh also so here no one eats dinner together because they like spending time with their partners but breakfast is a family thing at least 4 times a week if not every day, which is so cool.

I got out of the bathroom and saw manik on his phone sitting on the bed.

"Should I bring you some dinner" I asked

He looked up and nodded, I walked downstairs and served some food for him in a plate, I got myself only a little bit in a small bowl.

I walked back upstairs and handed him the plate, he took it and I sat on the floor with my bowl.

"Get me coffee" he said and I got up putting my food down

"Sugar and cream" I asked

"Black" he siad and I nodded

I knew he was trying to hurt me so he could hurt veebha di but he doesn't know the reality

I gave him his coffee and sat down on the floor leaning on the back of the bed, I ate watching him. It's weird because I should be pissed off too due to the things he has said to me but I wasn't.

I was worried about how he is doing, becasue he looked so broken hearing about everyhting, I saw how sad he was when he saw it was me instead of di.

"My clothes better be ironed by 2 in the morning, along with my breakfast" he said

"Let me know which clothes" I said

He grabbed me clothes and I took them putting them on the couch. He had finished eating and his coffee so he turned the lights off

"Not a single noise from you" he said and I kept mum

I finished eating in the dark and instead of sleeping I just stayed up. I jsut looked outside watching the clouds fading away.

When I saw it was 1:10 I got up and ironed his clothes placing them by the bed, I went down and made his breakfast.

I didn't have to wake him up becasue he was sitting up on the bed.

"Good morning" I said handing him the food

"Throw it out, I don't want it" he said laying back down and going to sleep

I took it downstairs and walked outside to the guard uncle


"Arey beta why are you up" he asked

"Woh I was hungry but this is way too much food and you must be hungry na so here" I said and he smiled

"Thank you beta" he said taking the plate and going back inside his little office things

I walked back and closed my eyes falling a sleep so quick but I was genuinely so tired anyways.

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