Chapter 26

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"Yes baby"

She walked to me leaning on my chest, her hands around my arms

"This picture is gorgeous, I love it so much" she said

I knew she was talking about the picture above our bed, it was from our honeymoon, she was showing me something smiling. Someone from the hotel management took it for us as a candid thing

"I know you do, come on lets eat" I said and she nodded

We had grabbed some food on our way back so we ate while watching tv. I helped nandini with the dishes and then we came back up to our room.


"Yes jaan"

"Can you umm"

the hesitation was clear on her face so I walked closer to her touching her arms

"Yes love"

"Can you shower with me" she asked

"Of course come on, lets brush first" I said and she nodded

as we brushed, I saw tears forming in her eyes, every second passing by was scaring me a lot.

I took my clothes off and so did nandini but the thing that was weird was she looked broken to me, more broken than she was when I met her.


"Im okay" she whispered turning the showering on

After setting the water temperature she hopped in so I followed her in. Our shower had this little slab so I sat there just watching there.

"I don't think my mom is my real mom" she whispered

"What makes you think that" I asked even though I though that too

"They never loved me, I was just this kind of maid, a girl who could do her sister's homework, give everyone water when guests came and someone who they could take their frustration out on"

"They hit you" I asked

She chuckled in the most nonchalant way as if like it was not the worst thing that had happened and just that thought was scary.

"Ya they did" she said

"Come here baby"

She tip toed to me standing in front of me.

"You trust me right jaan" I asked and she nodded instantly

"I do"

"Then lets shower and get to bed, then we can talk about it and I want you to talk to me about it, I wanna know every single detail, is that okay" I asked

"Yes thats okay" she said

I grabbed onto her hands and pulled her closer to me, resting my hands on her hips I got up and kissed her forehead. She wrapped her hands around my back resting her chin on my chest.

"everything is going to fall into the right place, I can't promise that I can fix everything but I can try my best. you know that I'm here with you every step of the way. I promise that I will not spare anyone who hurt you"

"You will never send me back home na" she asked

I caressed her cheeks softly as she leaned into the palm of my hand

"Never" I said right away

"Thank you" she mumbled

"is there anything that you left and want to get" I asked

"I left my snow globe there but it's okay I don't have to get it"

"We can go tom to get it, I promise I will not leave your hand throughout. I won't leave your side" I said

"You would do that for me" she asked

"That and everything else. I would lay stars beneath your feet if that makes you happy, anything baby"

"I don't know what I did to deserve you" she mumbled

I could see the tears despite the water running down on us.

"Hey I don't want you crying, these tears are very precious for me" I wiped her face and pecked her forehead

"You deserve the world and more Nandini, look at yourself from my eyes and you'll know how precious you are for me"

she smiled tighting her hold on me, she rubbed her chin on my chest giggling a little making me smile.

"You know I never though that a monster would have such a beautiful heart that id wanna own it one day" she said and I laughed

"One, you called your husband a monster and two you own me babe, my heart, my soul, my body, freaking everything"

She smiled hearing me as she pressed a soft kiss on my chest

"I did call you a monster"

"Ya you did, you naughty minx" she giggled hearing me

"But only I can call you a monster na"

"Girl, if anyone else did they wouldn't have the ability to speak"

"Hahha Manik you sound like a gangster" she mummbled laughing

"I could be"

"It suits you I guess"

i chuckled shaking my head at her. We showered and hopped out of the shower.

She grabbed my t shirt putting it on, she looks adorable in my clothes, I love it. I put o shorts and went outside in our room, this house is electronically amazing, like I can check everything on my phone.

I checked the locks on my phone and also the lights, nandini came and sat in front of me and id be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to pull her and just make love to her but we had to discuss many things before that.

she sat criss cross in front of me, she wrapped the blankets around herself sitting there.

"This is fucking hard" she whispered

"I know but im right here" I said and she shook her head

"Not that Manik"

"Than what" I asked being confused

"It's hard that we have to talk about these things because its so freaking hard to resist you when you lay down like that" she siad


"Put on a shirt or something"

"Can't keep your hands to yourself now can you" I teased

"No apparently not"

i smiled at her and she sighed frustratedly making me laugh, the feeling of being wanted by my wife is such a feeling.

She moved closer and I put my arm over her legs caressing her bare legs. She leaned down and kissed my lips pulling back.

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