Chapter 38

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When I woke up next morning, I stirred a lot trying to go back to sleep but it felt like I had been sleeping so damn much so I opened my eyes rubbing them.

Looking down I found Manik sleeping on my chest making me smile, I had really missed him so much and I regret every bit of it but I will make up for it.

I kissed manik's head and slipped away from him, I showered and walked downstairs to make us some breakfast. Manik loves aloo paranta so I started biting the potatoes

I couldn't help but think about bhai and bhabhi and if it weren't for them I would have just dragged this out longer so I decided to call bhabhi.

"Hi bhabhi"

"Hi sweetie, how are you"

"Good, and you"


"I just wanted to say thank you"

"For what" she asked

"Umm for knocking sense into me"

She laughed on the other end making me chuckle as well

"Nandini you know I love you and Manik equally and if it weren't for Manik telling me not to interfere and talk to you I would have done it sooner"

"He talked to you" I asked

"Ya, you two are weirdly similar. In the first few months of your marriage you stopped me and cabir from talking sense into him and this time he stopped us from talking sense into you"


"Ya, can I give you an advise"

"Of course bhabhi"

"Nandini marriage life is difficult, arguments are bound to happen but you should never give each other the silent treatment. It only complicates things more rather than calming down anger or whatever"

"I understand bhabhi"

"Don't think I'm taking Manik's side becasue I am not, he is stupid for letting his health be affected and not trying hard enough"

"No bhabhi it's not like that"

"Gia baby stop it" she yelled on the phone

"Nandini ill call you later, this girl has thrown all my makeup"

"Hahha No problem, bye bhabhi" I said cutting the call

The thing was he did try, he tried so hard to talk to me but I refused every time and that fear in his eyes when I said ill leave if he doesn't back off, I can still feel that.

"Jaan" I heard his whispered as his arms wrapped around me

"Hi handsome, good morning"

"Yeh good nahi hai, why did you leave the bed"

"Manik it's almost 9 and you have to go to office"

"Who cares, I own the place"

"The owner doesn't go late"

"He does, please come back to bed"

"I wish I could but you need to shower"

"No" he whines in my neck as he places a few kisses on the nape of my neck

"Manik" I said as he held onto my hips tightly


"Manik stop" I warned as he rubbed his erection on my butt

"Jaan" he shipwered kissing my neck

"Sweet as much as I would love to, I am trying to make you some aloo paranta and I don't wanna burn it"

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